Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I Remember Mama
to read a special Christmas memory of my mother who was always the friend of any animal.
And also I'm suffering cabin fever and I'd love it if you'd drop by http://www.craftieladiesofromance.blogspot.com
and cheer me up.
Hope you're all having fun in the lull between Christmas and New Years.
Happy New Year!!

I want to wish everyone a happy New Year and a great 2009. The possibilities are limitless for us in 2009. The door is wide open and I hope that wonderful things happen to you in the coming year.
My son and his wife are expecting their fourth child in April. I hope to devout myself to my writing. I have six books coming out next year. I've seen the cover for my July Love Inspired and I'm thrilled at it. The dominant colors are red, white and blue so that's appropriate for the Fourth of July. I have two Love Inspired Suspense books I'll be working on for the first months of the new year. But truly, the year is blank--so many of those possibilities enticing me to see what the Lord has in store for me.
Are any of you making a list of resolutions for 2009? I decided against it. I have stopped doing it for several reasons. I usually make short goals either daily, weekly or monthly. I even have loose yearly goals. Most of these goals are writer related. I've given up on dieting. I am trying to exercise but I don't want to officially make it a goal or resolution because knowing me I would stop. I don't really like exercising for exercising sake. I like activity.
What does the Lord have in store for you? What have you planned? What resolutions or goals have you come up with for 2009?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Where has the time gone?
Like my title says, where has the time gone? I've spent the last few months getting a proposal for some books done up and the day after I sent them, my editor called to offer me a one book contract!
It's part of a series coming out starting January 2010, and my book will be May 2010. It's called Fatal Secrets, and I've decided I like writing to a title, and a basic synopsis. At least, with the editors writing up the synopsis, they can't rip it apart on me! I love creating stories, but it's so easy to be given the title. That way, when your title, the one you love just as much as the story itself, is turned down, you end up scrambling around to offer others, only to have something totally different being chosen.
But now Christmas has come and gone and our family has seen some big ups and downs. An uncle died, my father in law had a heart attack, and yet, in the midst of that, my daughter got engaged.
Still, I will soldier on, as they say. I'm used to the idea of my daughter getting married some day in the future, and we've visited my father in law, who is still in the hospital. We attended a tough funeral for a well liked man.
My writing continues, as does life in general. Nothing stays the same, my mother in law says, and all we can do is go with the flow. And in the meantime, I must write and edit and coordinate with the other writers in the series, a joy and good experience to be sure, but worrisome when you think of the editor and what she may say. I want a big prologue, but it may be trashed when the editor reads the others and sees their neat and compact ones (each book is to start with a short prologue). She may look at mine and ladle out her bucket of red ink, the one she keeps for all us wayward authors!
I've also joined the Craftie Ladies of Suspense. We sound like a bunch of murderers who connive together to commit felonies. But I have a feeling we'll have fun. Naturally, if you ever meet us, remember that we're really just a harmless group of writers.
Speaking of which, I better get writing, remembering to be concise and yet, delightfully entertaining.
So, in that vein, I thank you for stopping by.
Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A Surprise Thank You Note
A few days before Christmas I received an envelope from the Governor of Alaska's office. I was surprised, but opening it, I expected a generic note about thank you for your thoughtfulness. Instead I received a lovely personal note about the book and comments of things I'd said in my letter. It was signed Sarah Palin. I'll certainly hang on to it.
I've been so pleased with reader mail regarding that book. It has touched many people who have a child with Down Syndrome and more who don't, but they enjoyed the book and it's message. I can only praise God for that.
If you haven't subscribed to my monthly newsletter, you still have time before January 1. Visit my website above and subscribed by typing in your name and state just below the welcome message on the home page. I offer a free book six times a year and details are in my newsletter.
Wishing you all a very happy new year filled with blessings.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
!0 Hunks a Strutting
I'm doing 10 Hunks a Strutting today!
And you could win $50!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Holiday fun, chance to win prizes, my 1st LIH

I don't know if any of you have noticed but Christmas is ALMOST HERE!
I always try to keep my focus on the true meaning of Christmas, God's gift of His Son to this dark world which had no room for Him and which preferred darkness to His light.
But I love all the holiday fun too.
I want to let you know about another ways you can have some holiday fun.
Another Love Inspired author Margaret Daley has come up with her version of
The Twelve Days of Christmas. Tomorrow drop by
and join in the fun and a chance to win $50 for taking part.
I'd also like to invite all of you to the www.eharlequin.com Holiday Open House on this Thursday the 11th. Here is the link to join in the fun all day on Thursday.
If you want to participate in a Live Chat: 7pm-10pm
BTW, two copies of my first Love Inspired Historical RELEASED TODAY will be given away during the chat.
Most of you know that I've been a long time Love Inspired author and I am thrilled that LI now has a historical line.
My book is titled Her Captain's Heart and is the first in my Gabriel Sisters series which will be released one each December starting this year and finishing in 2010.
These three sisters, Verity, Felicity, and Mercy, live in the turbulent period after the Civil War and do their best to try to bind up the wounds of the injured nation both North and South. If you have a heart for children, you will love the first, Verity's story.
Finally, I'd like to invite you to my new personal blog, "Strong Women Brave Stories" on my website www.LynCote.net
I feature stories of strong women both in real life and true to life fiction. Every woman has a story. Come and share yours and read others.
And Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Countdown to Christmas
I bet you can hear the melody to this carol playing in your head. Good. Sing it out loud. Rejoice in knowing that Christ was born.
If you're planning to have an Advent calendar this is the day to begin. Many years ago my children and I made Advent calendars out of felt and string and glitter and glue. Every year the kids get the calendar out and hang them from their bedroom door knobs. Each day they move a wooden snowflake to mark off the days until Christmas. Its a fun way to build the anticipation of the celebration we share on Christmas day.
In my release this month, Double Threat Christmas, my Irish family celebrates with a traditional Irish cake, a solid and heavy mixture of fruit and spices iced with Marzipan.
In my own family, my nephew makes the best homemade apple pie every year.
I'd love to know if you have a traditional goodie that you serve at Christmas.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Senior Editor Melissa Endlich @ Seekerville today
Senior Editor, Melissa Endlich of Steeple Hill will guestblog all day today (Nov 13) at Seekerville.
If you're targeting Steeple Hill, or interested in learning more about the books, come join us for this interactive blog. Melissa will be there to answer questions/address comments. We have an informative interview with her to post as well.
This is a great opportunity to get to know her, get your name in front of her and learn what they're looking for in an author/story.
Come learn more about Steeple Hill and one of their fabulous editors.
Hope to see some of you there!
Please pass this on/forward to your other writing-related blogs and loops.
Cheryl Wyatt
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Military Match

My newest book, A MILITARY MATCH, is on sale now. The fun thing about writing A MILITARY MATCH was actually getting to attend the U.S. Cavalry Competition while I was doing research for the book.
A MILITARY MATCH is the third book in the Mounted Color Guard series. The series features a real army unit at Fort Riley, Kansas called the Commanding General’s Mounted Color Guard. Troopers and horses of this unit are outfitted in the uniforms, equipment and weapons of the Civil War period. The men, brought together from various units stationed at the fort, receive instruction from the same type of manuals used by the men of Custer’s 7th Cavalry in the 1860’s.
Anyone who has an opportunity to watch a demonstration by the CGMCG shouldn’t miss it. They are awesome.
It is also possible to visit the stables and talk with the men if you’re in the area. The stables, located on Fort Riley's Main Post in Bldg. 275, are open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. The stables house 18 horses and two mule. I was amused to learn one of mules and I share the same name. Be sure and say hi to Pat if you happen to stop in.
You can learn more about the unit by visiting http://www.riley.army.mil/OurPost/ColorGuard.aspx
As it turns out, Fort Riley isn’t the only military base with a horse guard, but it is the home of the U.S. Cavalry Association and Museum. The association, in an effort to promote the history of the cavalry, hosts a cavalry competition each year. Active duty and civilians re-enactors compete in skills such as saber, pistol and military horsemanship while attired in authentic dress of their chosen period. In my book, I used a fictitious contest, but the real competition happens each fall at various sites around the country. To check out their schedule visit http://www.uscavalry.org/
I could go on and on about this amazing unit, but I won’t. I have to get back to my work in progress, an inspirational suspense set in a small Kansas town entitled SPEED TRAP. It will be out next September if I get it done this week.
Pat Davids
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
To all my heroes
Lenora Worth :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Remembrance Day
On this day in 1918, an armistice was signed. It was very early in the morning, around 5:30, but the Germans ordered the fighting to stop at 11 am, thus ending the war. The six plus hours were needed in order to get the information out to all troops.
The Great War was over.
It's hard to imagine a world so at war, and technology so backward that they needed hours to pass on information. But it's not hard to imagine the toll war takes on people. We are still involved in war. Canada, the United States, other allies. We have gone to war for various reasons, but regardless, the result is that we all here have the freedoms and rights that many are still denied today.
If you went to church yesterday, or even if you didn't, that is a direct result of war. We have the right to choose to worship.
We have the right to read what we want, to shop where we want, to vacation where we want. We have the right to homeschool our children and elect whoever we feel will lead us in office.
We got those rights from the men and women who have fought in wars for our sakes.
And who are still fighting. We are still losing men and women today, and these soldiers, sailors, airmen, even diplomats, journalists and missionary field staff are doing what they know is right for our freedom.
Let's honour them on November 11th. If you can't make it to a service, at 11 o'clock, take the time to thank your servicemen for their sacrifice.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Love Inspired - PERFECT for book clubs
I know that Steeple Hill books - for their length, perhaps (?) - are sometimes overlooked by book clubs looking for novels to discuss. But, imo, these little books are just about perfect! At the end of every book are a series of questions which are thoughtful discussion starters. And these books, while shorter, contain great stories with wonderful truths. Most book clubs choose one book per month - well, with Love Inspired, why not choose two. Or more!
You would be welcome to contact any one of the authors here, and we could help out, send our bios, answer more questions about ourselves and our work. We would welcome this and look forward to hearing from your group!
Linda Hall
Monday, October 13, 2008
Kids on surgery
Kids on Surgery
Two little kids are in a hospital, lying on stretchers next to each other outside the operating room the first surgeries of the day.
The first kid leans over and asks, 'What are you in here for?'
The second kid says, 'I'm in here to get my tonsils out and I'm a little nervous.
The first kid says, 'You've got nothing to worry about. I had that done when I was four. They put you to sleep, and when you wake up they give you lots of Jell-O and ice cream. It's a breeze.'
The second kid then asks, 'What are you here for?'
The first kid says, 'A circumcision.'
'WHOA!' the second kid replies. 'Good luck buddy. I had that one when I was born. Couldn't walk for a year.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
ACFW conference memories-different slant
I have posted other blogs about ACFW conference where I discussed all the things I did and people I met at the conference. But I also went to the Mall of America on Thursday morning before the conference started to see it. I only had a few hours to cover the place and didn't get to see it all.
I am not normally a person who likes to go shopping much. It is exhausting to shop. EEK! And the holiday season is coming. I'm gonna have to pace myself.
Anyway, I thought it was neat for a large shopping mall. And I mean large! Four stories of stores. In the middle on the lower floor was an amusement park for the kids and adults who like to ride rides. If I had had more time I would have been on one of those rides. They had several roller coasters and I love roller coasters.
Another place that interested me was the Lego store next to the amusement park. They had big works of "art" made out of legos. My son used to love to build things with legos. I have posted a few pictures of things made out of legos throughout this blog.
Friday, September 26, 2008
eHarlequin delivery!
The shipment of books reminded me that eHarlequin is still having their 100,000 book challenge. So if you've read a book recently, go over to eHarlequin.com and posts your books. If eHarlequin hits the magic number of books at the end of the year, they will donate 100,000 books to literacy. It's a great cause, so give the gift of books just by reading a book and posting a review at eHarlequin.com!
My crock pot is also working overtime these days. I've been posting my favorite recipes on my post at CRAFTIE Ladies of Suspense so make sure you stop over and check that out. Why am I such a big fan of the crock pot? Aside from being Italian and my joy of feeding people, I used to be a Pampered Chef consultant. I have tons of cookbooks and thankfully my family is very receptive to me trying out new recipes!
I've been in synopsis mode and I have to gush about one of my favorite reference books! Pam McCutcheon's Writing the Fiction Synopsis is by far my favorite book on how to write a good synopsis. You'll want to stop by the Gryphon Books for Writers website to check out what they have.
Until next time, many blessings, Lisa Mondello
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
An Artful Question
So read on at your own peril.
Both The United States and Canada are facing national elections, but here in Canada, one of our issues is arts funding.
I live near an excellent university and because of that, I have ample opportunity to enjoy their arts' programs. I love them.
In some ways, I, too, am an artist, a writer who is blessed enough to get paid for her work.
But here in Canada, we have people saying more funding must go into our arts and culture program.
Stop a moment. We also have gun violence in Toronto, an Arctic in crisis, and the working poor whose children are going hungry. We have natives who struggle to survive, and a country with a wildly growing dependence on fossil fuels.
Canada also has a global conscience, seeing the poor of other countries, the oppressed and those suffering under terrorist regimes. Canada has a responsibility to support those countries who want to end the global crises.
How can I sit in a comfortable seat in an auditorium enjoying the arts when this is happening? How can I justify saying that my government should support these programs when the burden of helping our own Canadians and the poor around the world is so great?
Some people may say that this is our culture, to have quality music, fine visual arts, and incredible talent.
No. When our poor and our native populations and environment are in crisis, this becomes our culture.
Our culture is our poor, and oppressed, and how we deal with them.
How we deal with the less fortunate is the true measure of ourselves. How are we dealing with them? It's not just a nationally elected body's responsibility, but an individual responsibility, too. How am I helping the poor, the environment, our supply of fresh drinking water?
How are you? What are you, personally, doing to change the culture that has been thrust upon us in the world's eyes?
Let us be able to watch that symphonic band's newest recital with a clear conscience.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
100,000 Book Challenge-for Literacy!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Time for sorting things out...
We're still having our monthly contest. Read a post in September, make a comment on the blog and you'll be entered in a drawing to get all 4 Love Inspired Suspense books for the month of September.
Many blessings,
Lisa Mondello
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I've climbed a mountain
It was only Mount Katahdin, in Maine, but we climbed from about 500 feet above sea level to near 5,000 feet.
I learned to trust God and myself and better understand what the Apostle Paul said about perservering. I'm proud of myself.
I'm only just getting the feeling back in my legs, but hey, I'm still proud!
Read some more at
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
What I did over Labor Day weekend

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Another Romantic Hot Air Balloon Adventure
Hi from Gail Gaymer Martin
Writers of romance love romance, but another thing they want to do is experience the wonderful adventures that they put into their novels. A hot air balloon ride was my dream. Although I have a fear of heights, I trusted God to give me courage, and He not only gave me courage, he filled me with awe at the beauty and fresh air, as we rode about the earth in a wicker basket.
I had no idea how huge the balloons are, but I know now. Seven stories high -- so what keeps us in the air is seven stories of hot air bound in a cloth balloon. Amazing.
We floated up one mile high and could see distant cities -- like Detroit and Ann Arbor, even my neighboring city Southfield. Michigan is loaded with lakes and this one is Kensington Park. You can see the sailboats and it's surrounded by beaches.
With so many lakes, one pleasure we had was to view our reflection in the water. This lake happens to have lily pads - but if you look carefully, you can see the basket right in the center.
Our landing was an adventure in itself, and if you'd like to see more beautiful photos and hear about our amazing landing, you can visit http://www.gailmartin.blogspot.com/ and enjoy the full story.
Romance writers do anything to write a wonderful book filled with romantic experiences.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Coming up for air!

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Meet Me In Pahrump, Nevada --- Doing My Favorite Thing
You've probably already guessed what my favorite thing to do is. Talk. Ask my husband. (Grinning here). I love to present workshops for writers and to present keynote addressees at churches. So many doors have opened since I began writing and that's one of them.
On Saturday, September 6, I'll be speaking and autographing books at the public library in Pahrump, Nevada, sponsored by the Friends of the Library. If you live anywhere near there, bring and friend and come and join me. I'll be speaking on the crazy journey of my life as a writers and talking about why I chose to write Christian romance -- or I should say why God chose me. It begins at about 10 AM. I'd love to meet you.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wishing I'd thought of that title
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Her Only Protector Character Interview Online Now!

Monday, August 11, 2008
RWA conference--the people
This is a video of some of the people I saw at the RWA conference in San Francisco. As you can see most of them are Love Inspired authors.
First frame is of Margaret Daley (me) and Laura Marie Altom (left to right) at the Golden Gate Bridge (the wind was freezing). The second one is of Winnie Griggs and me in a small town outside San Francisco. Third frame is at Muir Redwood Forest with Winnie, Lynn, me and Laura. The fourth one is of the Craftie Ladies of Suspense--minus Cara Putman who couldn't make RWA this year. The fifth frame is of Kit, me and Jillian Hart at the booksigning. The sixth frame is of Linda Goodnight who won the Rita Award for her Love Inspired, Debbie Clopton, who won the Bookseller's Best Award, Irene Hannon, myself and Winnie. The next one is of Debby Giusti who won the Daphne Award and me who won the Inspirational Romance Readers Contest. The eighth through the tenth frame is of the eHarlequin pajama party. The eleventh through the thirteenth frame is dinner at the Jazz Club before the Harlequin party. The last frames were of the Harlequin party with people such as Allie Pleiter, Judy Baer, Gail Martin, Missy Tippins, Dana Corbit and Janet Dean. I'm sorry I can't put captions on the program I have. The very last frame is the Craftie Ladies of Suspense at the party. From the back at the left are Pamela Tracy, Roxanne Rustand, and Debby Giusti. In the from at the left is Lisa Mondello, Terri Reed and myself.
I spent some time sightseeing San Francisco which is a wonderful city with a lot to see--more than I could in a week's time. If you want to see some of the sights I went to, I have a video up at my blog. Check it out at margaretdaley.blogspot.com. I went to the Golden Gate Bridge, the Muir Redwood Forest, Napa Valley, the Golden Gate Park where I saw the Japanese Tea garden and enjoyed some tea, a street that is so crooked you have to crept down it in your car (gorgeous place) and of course, Chinatown.
Also I have some pictures up at Craftie Ladies of Suspense blog which I'm a member of. We are seven Love Inspired Suspense authors who blog about suspense books and what's going on with us. Every month we have a drawing for the four LIS books out and draw from the people who leave comments that month. So if you want to be entered in the drawing, visit the site and leave a comment with your email address.
In the above video I show some pictures of those places but mostly they are of functions I did at the conference--like the booksigning for literacy (RWA raised thousands of dollars for the cause), the pajama party eHarlequin sponsors every year, various dinners with friends, and the Harlequin party where I get my year's worth of dancing in on a crowded dance floor filled with women (great exercise).
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Taming the TBR pile...
I just finished reading Terri Reed's Double Jeopardy and it was fabulous! If you haven't read the character interview for Double Jeopardy, make sure you stop on over to the CRAFTIE Ladies of Suspense blog. Each week there will be a new interview from one of the Love Inspired Suspense books out that month. So you don't want to miss it!
And if you're a writer, you'll want to check out Debby Giusti's Donald Maass Writing the Breakout Novel blogs where she highlights elements of this wonderful writing reference book. She's on week 22 right now, but it's worth it to spend some time going back in the archives to see the rest of the series!
This month my book Her Only Protector is out on the shelves. Rumor has it you'll start seeing the Love Inspired Suspense books around August 12Th. So if you're out and about and you happen to see the August books, drop me an email or post on the blog where you're from. It's always fun to see where readers are finding my books. You can read an excerpt of Her Only Protector, please visit the eHarlequin website.
The next book on my TBR pile is Lynn Bulock's To Trust a Friend. Let me know what you're reading!
Until next time, many blessings, Lisa Mondello
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Book Signing in Lincoln City Oregon
Recently, I and several hundred other authors signed at the Romance Writers of America book signing in San Francisco to raise money for Literacy. The signing raised a record dollar amount and was a huge success.
I also was at the RITA Awards and cheered on my fellow authors who were finalist in this years contest.
Our own Linda won!!!!
2008 RITA Winner for Best Inspirational Romance
A Touch of Grace by Linda Goodnight
Harlequin Enterprises, Steeple Hill Love Inspired
Allison Lyons, editor
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
An interview with my main character

This is a first for me - Lilly Johnson, the main character of my July Love Inspired release, Shadows at the Window, was interviewed! You can read 'her' responses
Valerie Hansen surfaces

Well, I see the pictures ended up first but considering the trouble I usually have with computers, I figure I'd better leave them right where they landed!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Have You Ever Longed for a Romantic Getaway?
In this view, you can see the hallway that leads to the entrance and the bathroom. Can't you just image being swept away on an amazing journey in a place like this.
Besides the interesting bedroom cars, they have a restaurant called Dinner in the Diner. It's set around white gazebo and small tables like a garden party. It's a dining car with 50s decor and another lovely place called The Garden where we had breakfast. You can also enjoy a real garden which feature elegant flower beds and flowering trees, fountains and gazebos. We wandered around before dinner and after our meal we sat in the garden and had an ice cream cone.
We opted for dinner at the Station House which was once the baggage storage area. Besides a great meal, they have continual entertainment from the wait-staff who sing all kinds of music in duets, solos, and small groups, music most would love from romantic love songs to folk music to Christian gospel. You can't go wrong.
The next morning it was time to say goodbye. Don't miss this romantic trip if you ever get to Chattanooga. Lovely surroundings, history, music, good food, and the chance to sleep in an old train car decorated like a Victorian bedroom. Nothing wrong with that. Isn't life all about romance?
About the Love Inspired Classics
If you've been looking for a few backlist (books that were released in the past) titles, you might find them here and know when to look for them on the shelves of your local bookstore or Walmart.
Also remember that our books remain online at sites like http://www.amazon.com and http://www.bn.com. They are available on http://www.eharlequin.com until that site runs out of them. Also many authors like myself, list all their titles and a way to purchase them from their websites. Drop by http://www.booksbylyncote.com and click on my Love Inspired pages.
I hope this helps you as you try to find those books by those special authors who speak to your heart.
Lyn Cote
List of Love Inspired Classics Information
onsale_date | isbn | title_name | author_name | |
Jul-06 | 0-373-65263-1 | Hero In Disguise And Hidden Blessing | Karr, Leona | |
Jul-06 | 0-373-65264-X | Ben's Bundle Of Joy And When Love Came To Town | Worth, Lenora | |
Aug-06 | 0-373-65265-8 | A Bride At Last And A Mother At Heart | Aarsen, Carolyne | |
Aug-06 | 0-373-65266-6 | The Forgiving Heart And A Daddy At Heart | Kastner, Deb | |
Sep-06 | 0-373-65267-4 | Father Most Blessed And A Father's Place | Perry, Marta | |
Sep-06 | 0-373-65268-2 | Looking For Miracles And The Prodigal's Return | Bulock, Lynn | |
Oct-06 | 0-373-65269-0 | Upon A Midnight Clear And Secrets Of The Heart | Gaymer Martin, Gail | |
Oct-06 | 0-373-65270-4 | A Groom Of Her Own And The Way Home | Hannon, Irene | |
Nov-06 | 0-373-65271-2 | The Best Christmas Ever And A Mother's Love | Wolverton, Cheryl | |
Nov-06 | 0-373-65272-0 | Faithfully Yours And Sweet Charity | Richer, Lois | |
Dec-06 | 0-373-65273-9 | An Angel For Dry Creek & A Gentleman For Dry Creek | Tronstad, Janet | |
Dec-06 | 0-373-65274-7 | Her Kind Of Hero And Second Time Around | Steward, Carol | |
Jan-07 | 9-780373-65275-4 | Second Chances And Love One Another | Hansen, Valerie | |
Jan-07 | 9-780373-65276-1 | Never Alone And New Man In Town | Cote, Lyn | |
May-07 | 9-780373-65199-3 | Heart And Soul And Almost Heaven | Hart, Jillian | |
May-07 | 9-780373-65200-6 | Baby On The Way And Wedding On The Way | Richer, Lois | |
Aug-07 | 9-780373-65201-3 | A Rich Man For Dry Creek And A Hero For Dry Creek | Tronstad, Janet | |
Aug-07 | 9-780373-65202-0 | Family For Keeps And Sadie's Hero | Daley, Margaret | |
Dec-07 | 9-780373-65203-7 | Since You've Been Gone And The Doctor Next Door | Perry, Marta | |
Dec-07 | 9-780373-65204-4 | A Mother For Amanda And The Doctor's Miracle | Schmidt, Anna | |
Jan-08 | 9-780373-65117-7 | Never Say Goodbye And Crossroads | Hannon, Irene | |
Jan-08 | 9-780373-65118-4 | A Hopeful Heart And A Home, A Heart, A Husband | Richer, Lois | |
Apr-08 | 9-780373-65119-1 | Heaven Sent And His Hometown Girl | Hart, Jillian | |
Apr-08 | 9-780373-65120-7 | Something Beautiful And Lacey's Retreat | Worth, Lenora | |
Jul-08 | 9-780373-65121-4 | Hunter's Bride And A Mother's Wish | Perry, Marta | |
Jul-08 | 9-780373-65122-1 | The Power of Love And The Courage to Dream | Daley, Margaret | |
Sep-08 | 9-780373-65123-8 | Family Ties And Promise of Grace | Winn, Bonnie. | |
Sep-08 | 9-780373-65124-5 | Small-Town Dreams And The Girl Next Door | Welsh, Kate | |
Dec-08 | 9-780373-65125-2 | A Baby for Dry Creek And A Dry Creek Christmas | Tronstad, Janet | |
Dec-08 | 9-780373-65126-9 | Blessings of the Heart And Samantha's Gift | Hansen, Valerie | |
Mar-09 | 9-780373-65127-6 | Mother's Day Miracle And Blessed Baby | Richer, Lois | |
Mar-09 | 9-780373-65128-3 | Love Comes Home And A Sheltering Love | Reed, Terri | |
Jun-09 | 9-780373-65129-0 | A Family for Tory And A Mother for Cindy | Daley, Margaret | |
Jun-09 | 9-780373-65130-6 | Twin Blessings And Toward Home | Aarsen, Carolyne | |
Sep-09 | 9-780373-65131-3 | The Best Gift And Gift from the Heart | Hannon, Irene | |
Sep-09 | 9-780373-65132-0 | Finally Home And Finally Found | Cote, Lyn | |
Dec-09 | 9-780373-65133-7 | I'll Be Home for Christmas And One Golden Christmas | Worth, Lenora | |
Dec-09 | 9-780373-65134-4 | In the Spirit of Christmas And A Very Special Delivery | Goodnight, Linda | |
Friday, July 18, 2008
Backlists and Ebooks...
Since my next release is Her Only Protector, I've been thrilled to hear from the bookclub readers who've already read the book and couldn't wait to email me to tell me how they liked it. I'm also surprised at how many people are still picking up a copy of Cradle of Secrets and writing me to tell me they enjoyed the book. They're always thrilled to know they won't have to wait long for the sequel. Just a few weeks and Her Only Protector will be hitting the bookstore shelves.
Which brings me to the backlists and ebooks subject line of my post. As many readers know, Steeple Hill books are available in paperback for just one month on the bookstore shelves. If you happen to find a great author or a series you love mid-way through the series, it's hard to go back and find those first books unless you can get them at a used bookstore. But not anymore.
All Steeple Hill books are available on EBOOK! So it doesn't matter if you miss a couple of books from a great author. You can always go back and purchase an ebook to download to either the Kindle or some other software platform. These ebooks can be read on your computer, a PDA or ebook reader.
I have to be honest with you. I love the feel of a paperback book in my hands, love to turn the pages and look at the cover. But I also love the idea of being able to load a ton of books on one device and store it there. I have a friend who just emailed me to tell me she won a Kindle in a contest. I must admit that I'm green with envy. But alas I can't justify purchasing another device to read ebooks since I already have one. I still have my old Rocket Ebook Reader that I purchased 10 years ago! While not as light and easy to use as the Kindle and certain not able to hold as many books, the Rocket is a great little device to load 8-10 books on as well as my own manuscripts for editing and final read throughs.
My point (and yes, I do have one) is that I love that technology has given us choices. I no longer have to hunt down a book I missed when it was on the shelf. I can buy an ebook from a new favorite author. And I no longer have to choose which books to bring with me on a trip because I can't fit them all in my suitcase on one device. I can bring enough books to last me an entire vacation! (I love reading while I'm camping. And the Rocket is great for night reading since I don't have to hold a flashlight and a book at the same time!)
I'd love to know your thoughts on ebooks and ebook devices. And if you're one of the lucky readers who has a Kindle, let me know what you think. I have a feeling, despite the fact that I still love my Rocket, that the Kindle may go on my Christmas List.
Until next time, many blessings! Lisa Mondello
Be sure to visit the CRAFTIE LADIES of SUSPENSE at http://www.ladiesofsuspense.blogspot.com/
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My vacation
This is a slideshow of my vacation to Curacao this past week. I had a great time. The people were friendly and welcoming. I mostly sat on the beach or at the pool. I lived in my bathing suit most days except when we took a tour of the island. In the pictures of the capital Williamstad you can see the Dutch influence. This island is only 35 miles from Venezuela. It is arid and cacti are everywhere. I thought I was in Arizona there for a while. So it wasn't any surprise that it didn't rain on us while we were there.
The local language is Papiamentu (a mixture of many language from Dutch to Spanish to African to English), but a lot of the people speak Dutch, English and Spanish. I never had trouble communicating while I was there.
The trade winds blow almost all the time--our tour guide said 360 days out of the year. When the wind dies down, everything shuts down. School is called off. Businesses are closed. I was glad the wind was blowing or it would have been VERY hot.
The water is beautiful (I have several pictures of it) and the diving is great in this area--although all I did was snorkel.
The older man is my husband, Mike. The younger one was our tour guide (I have a picture of him at the blow hole on the north side of the island). He was so interesting with lots of information about Curacao. And he wasn't that bad to look at either.
The best thing I saw was the salt flats where flamingoes could be seen. They come to have their babies before going back to South America. I would have had a picture of some except they were too far away to really tell what they were with my camera. The one chance I had for a close up I couldn't get my camera out fast enough to take the picture. The flamingo flew away and it was beautiful to watch him fly (first time for me to see in real life).
Romantic at any age?

Monday, July 14, 2008
Back away from the refrigerator!
Okay, I’m not afraid to tell you that I’m a bit skeptical here. How does it know what you’re using up? I’m betting you have to tell it.
That’s all well and good, if you like the extra work it’ll no doubt bring, but what it should be doing is scanning you to see what exactly you’re eating. I mean, I have a teenaged boy. And he has friends. I rarely have enough milk in the house and sugary cereals are an endangered species here. And I know my son. He’ll be opening this new fridge door and saying to it, "I’m taking a carrot now. We have only three left."
Meanwhile, he’s helping himself to the last half of pie. I’d be inundated with carrots before the week’s out, if this fridge believes my son and calls in an order of carrots to the local Co-op.
Now, what the refrigerator should do is scan the kid. It should use one of those beams we see on Star Trek and yell out in a loud voice, or better still, announce it on an in-house PA, "You are not taking a carrot. You are eating all the pie. Back away from the refrigerator. I say again, back away from the refrigerator."
Or wave its arms around yelling, "Danger, Will Robinson, danger! All the pie is being eaten! Danger! Danger!" Then grab the offending teenaged boy (because it’s not necessarily going to be my own,) and hold on until an adult can come to pry the pie out of his hands.
You know, this could work for dieters, too. You simply program into the fridge what you should eat and it simply won’t let you reach for pie, but rather grab you with those flex hose pipe arms and not let go. Why, you could work up a nice cardio routine fighting it off, and speed and agility too, trying to get the pie out of the fridge before it grabbed you.
Of course, your teenaged boy and his friends would consider the whole food grab a challenge. They do, after all, have a computer game experience. Or they could just reprogram the fridge.
You’d catch on pretty quickly though, when you opened the fridge for supper’s nutritious salad and it said something cheeky to you like, "Enter password within five seconds or this refrigerator will self-destruct."
Oh, yes, self-replenishing refrigerators are fine, but those scientists should be working on getting teenagers to eat three meals a day, all nutritious, with no snacking. Now, that’s technology worth buying.
Have a nutritious day!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Whale you were reading this blog...
You can see it and read a bit about it at:
Plus you can check out the whole story at:
They managed to get a backhoe down the steep cliffs to dig a hole to bury it, but all of us wonder if they won't dig it up, like they did to this whale;
It's sad to see one of God's largest creatures dead, though.
Barbara Phinney
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Interactive Books Coming????
TORONTO, July 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Harlequin Enterprises Limited (http://www.eharlequin.com/), the global leader in series romance and one of the world's leading publishers of women's fiction, announced today the launch of their Enriched Edition eBooks. With this launch, Harlequin becomes the first publisher to offer entire eBooks that are enriched with interactive buttons that hyperlink to Web sites with more information about the content.
The launch title, UNMASKED, a Regency-set historical available from www.eBooks.eHarlequin.com, has been enriched with interactive buttons that hyperlink to Web sites containing photos, historical commentaries, illustrations, sound effects, maps, articles and more, bringing the world of the novel to life without the reader having to leave the computer or the current screen page. The interactive buttons have been designed to be unobtrusive, so if one prefers not to access the bonus material, the reading experience remains uninterrupted.
By exploiting the interactive possibilities inherent with eBooks, Harlequin is recognizing the opportunity for online reading to enhance the reading experience, evolving it above and beyond the replication of print books.
Harlequin will release select Enriched Edition titles from its many series and imprints, but chose to launch with a historical release since the period setting particularly lends itself to the enriched experience. Obscure period details, customs, terms and references become instantly accessible should the reader wish to learn more about the story's context.
Enriched Edition eBooks are available at www.eBooks.eHarlequin.com and are being sold at the same price as regular eBooks.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Getting ready for the RWA conference
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Twenty-four hours can hold an awful lot
But we’d planned some fun activities for later. Being Canada Day, we were going to take in the fireworks in the nearest town, but at supper, I finally had some down time and watched the news.
A whale had died and been washed in with the tide, down in Slacks Cove, near Rockport, New Brunswick. Since this wasn’t far from us, we decided to check it out.
So did half the town, too. It was big, but by far, the smell was more intimidating. I touched it, and found it smooth, rubbery, and very cold. It had been a bit battered after it had died, and I tried to identify it. A small fin whale or a sei whale, maybe. I’m not up on my whales, I’m afraid. But there didn’t appear to be anything I could see that may have killed it. Perhaps, we can hope, it was just old age.
It’s amazing to see how the tide had washed it in. At 12 metres long, it would take some doing, a testament to the power of the sea. Which was now returning. Time to leave.
Then of course, came the fireworks we’d looked forward to seeing all day. My hubby had packed some snacks for us, and when we got there, we stayed in our car until dark. And until we discovered my son, being the one in the far back seat and closest to the cooler, had eaten the huge chocolate bar his dad had slipped into the cooler for later. So all we had was water and popcorn. Good for the diet I had put us both on, I suppose. The fireworks were wonderful and we even got out of the parking lot without delay.
Then we came home to find we’d left the garage door open, and four stray kittens had decided to make it home for the night. I didn’t want them in there, so my daughter and I had to chase them out. Not an easy task. Corralling kittens in a messy garage is much like trying to hold a child who wants to be put down. Simply impossible and not unlike the fireworks we’d just seen. We did our best and thinking the kittens were gone, closed it up and went inside.
I did, however, peek out to see the kittens chasing one of those huge lunar moths. Unfortunately for the moth, the mum caught it and dashed off. She returned a few minutes later licking her lips. I'd seen enough, so I went to bed.
This morning, after my husband and my daughter had left for work, I saw two of the kittens curled up in the middle of the driveway. Feeling compassion, I mixed up a slurry of warm cat food, kibble, and homemade unsalted chicken broth, and took it out to them.
And the regular gang of adult cats came running to help these little darlings eat the food. Feeling a bit piqued, I glanced around.
And saw a gopher. Not a big one, but one curious enough to waddle out from under the trailer. It wasn’t until I heard the neighbor start up his lawn tractor that I realized that it was the one from under his shed, and he’d been temporarily evicted. I guess it wasn’t my delicious concoction of mixed cat foods that lured him out.
My morning of housework wasn’t happening, and wasn’t soon to happen, as I walked past the garage, and heard a faint meowing.
I opened the door and discovered yet another kitten inside. One I was sure I’d chased out last night. And as one would expect, he wasn’t ready to escape out the door yet. Under the pile of junk in the corner was much safer. I refuse to feed it. I don’t want it to become comfortable in my garage. I put garbage out there, and don’t want to clean that up every morning. I’d have to wait for my son to rise in order to get even attempt to get this one out.
But look what had happened to us in the last day. A trip to see, and smell, a whale up close, fireworks, in town and in our garage, and one curious, not to mention miffed gopher. We’d seen it all.
What on earth could today bring?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saying Good-bye to a series
Friday, June 27, 2008
New Mule Hollow book by Debra Clopton! THE COWBOY TAKES A BRIDE

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Winning isn't everything
I had entered four contests with last year's book, and didn't final in a single one of them. Oh, well. I was disappointed, but I'll let you in on a little secret. God won't let me win, until I learn to be a graceful winner. (I have a sneaky suspicion I wouldn't be one) LOL!
Anyway, in the meantime, friends and family alike have won at writing. If you'll allow me to boast for a moment, my daughter won an essay contest on a Canadian provincial premier. (he'd be the equivilent to a governor in the States) and she will receive $250! Pretty cool, eh, and let me tell you, everyone in the house now knows about Daniel Lionel Hannington, Premier of New Brunswick in 1874. We know ALL about him!
Bragging aside, I told my daughter she's done something I have yet to achieve. I've never won a contest. I got honourable mention in one about 10 years ago, if that counts for something.
But it doesn't matter anymore.
At my kids' school awards evening, a woman, mother of a friend of mine, sought me out, and told me something really wonderful. She absolutely loved my book. She couldn't put it down. She sat in her living room and read it cover to cover. Is that great or what?
And a writer friend took the time to write me to say how much she enjoyed the book, and loved the hero's prayer in it. It hit her right in the heart.
Just as these little compliments get me right there. They are way better than a contest. I've touched someone's life with my story and it gives me a knot in my throat. We writers write for various reasons, creative outlet, need to tell a story, the love of reading are some of the reasons, but we rarely sit at the computer and say, "I'm going to touch someone's life with this story."
We just hope we do. And when it happens, we are so incredibly thrilled, touched, a whole lot more than winning a contest.
Of course, I have never won a contest, so I may be off the wall here, but I don't think so.
You mothers out there can say that even when your son or daughter doesn't make the highest mark, or draw the best picture, the one they drew for you, the one they added, 'I love you' to, is way better than any ribbon or certificate.
Let's take the time to see how personal things matter so much more. How we can help each other, lift each other up, and encourage each other. It's worth a thousand contest wins.
Enjoy your summer!
Barbara Phinney
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Why we read stories?
I was intrigued. I know I've always loved to read novels, but I had no idea they were making me more myself. What do you think? Agree or disagree?
Why Not Me?
No matter if we're published or not, authors asked the question, "Why not me?" Why don't I have a NY Times best seller? Why didn't my editors like my new proposal? Why am I not getting a contract for a book? Why doesn't an agent want to represent my novel? Will I ever have a published novel?
These questions can cause us to be depressed and to guide our careers in places the Lord may not have in his plan for us. The Bible tells us "A man may plan his course, but the Lord guides His steps." The address that I spoke about in my previous blog entry was based on verses in Ecclesiastes 3, For everything there is a season, and the hard part for us is to wait for God to give us our season.
But the Lord also offers us Gal 6: 8-9 to think about. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Again we hear the word proper time. The Bible repeats those messages--our season, the proper time and He has made everything beautiful in its time. God keeps telling us, but we don't always want to understand. We wait on Him, the source of our talent and the purpose for which we write. God knows when we are ready to make the total sacrifice to be a writer, when our work is ready to be published so that it can reach a multitude of readers and not only a few as in self-publishing. And most of all, he knows when readers are ready to receive the book of your heart which you've written. It's a three-part plan to God and He knows. We wait.