Lyn Cote here-
Just like Kim Watters, I'm also self-publishing my books that have gone out of print.
Autumn's Shadow is Free on Kindle through Monday March 5, 2012. Here's the link if you want to download it:
Autumn's Shadow is book 2 in my Northern Intrigue series.

The first book in the series Winter's Secret is priced on sale at 99 cents on Kindle the same days.
Here's a bit about Autumn's Shadow:
Someone has a mean sense of humor--
and is springing nasty pranks at the local high school. High school principal Keely Turner is determined to find out who is playing dangerous pranks at her school before something terrible happens. Burke Sloan, the deputy sheriff responsible for helping Ms. Turner solve these, finds himself falling for her. As they work to overcome the obstacles in their path, will they discover the depths of God's love and of a love for each other?
So that's my news. And since Kim said that she found that better covers sold more books. What do you think of these two?
BREAKING NEWS --SMASHWORDS & READ A FREE EBOOK WEEK STARTS SUNDAY MARCH 4, 2012, ends March 10th! For a free ebook download of my La Belle Christiane, click this link:

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