As I anticipate the event, I wondered, how many of you have e-readers and if you download free books on a regular basis. I have a Kindle and when I first got it, I looked for free books all the time and have downloaded tons of them. But you know what? I haven't read any of them. Maybe that's because I read so many books that I review on TheSuspenseZone.com and or my favorite authors keep putting out enough books to keep me very busy in the reading department. Or more likely, I have so many books on my Kindle that I just plain forget about them.
I have all the books neatly organized in folders that are labeled, but still it's not like seeing a book sitting on a to be read pile. It's an out of sight out of mind kind of thing. And, if I'm being truthful which I always try to be, I still like reading actual paper books better. I love to look at covers and hold them in my hands, feel the paper and slick covers. See the book tempting me to leave behind my chores and to do list to sit down and delve into another excellent story.
And I can't help but question as Nipped in the Bud is offered for free, am I the only one who thinks this way? So tell, me about your reading habits on your e-reader. Do you have tons of unread books? Tons of free books? Books you've paid for and forgotten all about. Inquiring minds want to know.
SUSAN SLEEMAN is a best-
selling author of inspirational romantic suspense and mystery novels. She grew up in a small Wisconsin town where she spent her summers reading Nancy Drew and developing a love of mystery and suspense books. Today, she channels this enthusiasm into writing romantic suspense and mystery novels and hosting the popular internet website TheSuspenseZone.com. Susan currently lives in Florida, but has had the pleasure of living in nine states. Her husband is a church music director and they have two beautiful daughters, a very special son-in-law and an adorable grandson. To learn more about Susan visit her at her – Website http://www.susansleeman.com

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