Hi, Charlotte Carter here.I’ll be wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day and remembering the two wonderful trips my husband and I took to Ireland some years ago.

It’s said that there are 20 shades of green in Ireland. That’s a huge understatement. If I had a better artist’s eye for color, I’d still be counting.
In addition to wonderful, friendly people, Ireland has a great surplus of rocks! If the Irish could come up with a fantastically popular commercial product made of those rocks, Ireland would be the richest country in the world.
There are towers and castles, farmhouses and fences, forts and rock circles, all made of rocks. The land is so rocky, I can’t imagine how anyone could plow the ground to plant a crop.
Which brings us to something else Ireland has in plenty: sheep. They are everywhere in the countryside. They baaa constantly and sound lonely even when they’re in the middle of their flock.
One day we were fortunate enough to watch a shepherd with his three border collies herding a flock of sheep on such a steep hillside, it would have been impossible for a horse to manage. Using hand signals and whistles, the shepherd told his dogs what to do. And boy, did they do it. Had those sheep rounded and down the hill in no time.
Because the ancient sits side-by-side with the modern, I came away with a sense of connection to those who had walked that rocky land thousands of years ago. You see, I’m part Irish on my mother’s side. I’ve always suspected that’s it my Irish blood that made me a storyteller.
Do you have a connection to Ireland? Everyone does on St. Patrick’s Day.
Happy reading...... Char......
Books that leave you smiling...
Montana Love Letter, LI, 10/2012
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