Tuesday, January 5, 2010

God’s Timing for Your Dreams

I’ve been thinking a lot about what Cheryl said yesterday. In fact, I only have two resolutions here at the turn of the decade – to listen to God more and trust His timing . . . and to give up sodas. You can guess which one is the easiest.

As a writer and one of the few single women who writes for Love Inspired, I’ve had to learn a lot about God’s timing for our dreams . . . and I can’t say I’ve always been patient or particularly understanding. I’m a very flawed human, and, yes, I’ve had a few tantrums straight out of the terrible twos: “Will you hurry UP already?”

After all, there was an enormous gap between my first published article (I was 18) and my first book (I was 42). 2009 was a year of horrible lows for me, but I also saw the publication of two books (The Taking of Carly Bradford and Field of Danger).

Although writing is my gift and the call I feel from the Lord, every day I struggle to focus. I’m a little ADD, so discipline isn’t easy for me. Nor is waiting. Even though I’ve gotten fairly decent at the waiting part.

After all, I’ve been single (again) for sixteen years. Sixteen and a half. Almost seventeen.

Not that I’m counting, you understand…

So when my impatience freezes me in this chair (or on the couch), and doubts about my life, my loves, and my career creep in from the dark, I try to remember that He does know me best and knows WHAT’S best. And I try to listen.

Although I do still wish He’d hurry up. At least a little bit.


Kaye Dacus said...

See . . . and here I am wanting Him to slow things down just a teensy bit (mostly because of that deadline coming up at the end of the month).

But I know what you mean about wondering why God doesn't hurry up with some things . . . especially the romance/partnership thing, being a late-thirtysomething single woman myself. I think that may be why He keeps giving me all these writing deadlines and piling on the freelance work---so that I don't have time to whine and bug Him about when He's going to get on the ball and send my husband to me!

And then I remind myself how blessed I am to be doing exactly what I'd always dreamed of doing---working from home and not having to go in to an 8 to 5 office job anymore---a whole lot sooner than I'd ever expected to be able to do it. And I recognize just how perfect His timing is.

Cheryl Wyatt said...

I didn't get married until I was 29 and wanted to be since I was 17, so I can sort of relate.

Ramona, I always love your blog posts. You have a warmth and a spiritual depth that awes me.


Ramona Richards said...

Kaye, I can definitely understand about slowing down those deadlines! And you're right about being blessed to do what we do. I need to keep reminding myself of that.

Cheryl, wow. I'm honored by your words. Thank you.