Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Seed Catalog Time

Ruth Axtell Morren

Heirloom tomato medley
This time of year is seed catalogue season! For those of us who love to watch green things grow, there’s nothing more fun than looking at all the luscious vegetables, fruits and flowers in those catalogues. It gives us a little taste of spring long before we can actually experience it. It makes us start to think of our own gardens and what we may or may not do this year. Any new vegetables we’d like to attempt? I’ve been trying different types of heirloom tomatoes for the past few years. Believe me, growing tomatoes in northeastern Maine is a hit or miss affair. With a short growing season, cool or foggy summers and frost sometimes hitting as early as the end of August, we count ourselves very fortunate if we’re able to harvest a few tomatoes. The last couple of summers have been quite good, with no frost till sometime in September. And there’s nothing like a homegrown tomato, so I’ll keep trying!
            Here are a few photos of last season’s vegetable garden. I love bulbs and other perennial flowers as well, but the vegetable garden is the real challenge!
Sugar snap pea blossom
Peppers, miniature eggplant, heirloom tomatoes & pineapple tomatillos
How does your garden grow?
            My Love Inspired Historical this month is about a Downeast Maine farmer, Gideon Jakeman. His quiet strength and patience are what first attract the heroine, when she returns to Maine destitute and friendless.
            Hope you enjoy it!

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