Monday, January 17, 2011

Rick Warren--setting goals

Hi, this is Margaret Daley. I receive the daily devotionals from Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life blog. Lately he has been talking about setting goals in every part of your life. And when you set them, set them high, keeping your faith in the Lord in mind. When we don't set goals, we are content with the way our life is. It got me thinking about different areas of my life I might want to improve. Not just one but the whole package--family, writing, health, etc.

I know a lot of people do it at the new year--like a fresh start. Did you make a resolution or set a goal at the start of the year? Are you one of those people who won't or does and by the end of January have either changed it or dropped it? Has setting a goal or making a resolution worked for you?

I normally don't do resolutions. They have never worked for me. But Rick Warren's series on setting goals has been interesting to read. They have made me think. Set a goal then push the limit. For example if I wanted to lose ten pounds, instead set my goal for fifteen pounds. I have always set goals in my writing in order to meet my deadlines. It shouldn't be too much different than that. At least that is what I'm hoping. Any suggestions for me?

1 comment:

Pat Davids said...

I always make resolutions but I rarely set goal. I think I make resolutions because I like to make lists. Like grocery lists that I usually leave on the kitchen table. Then I have to wander up and down the aisles trying to remember what I wrote down.

Like you, I try to make my writing goals about meeting my deadlines, but you've got me thinking. Maybe my goals should be to up the emotion in my stories and meet deadlines. Thanks for the brain prod.