Yes, I know 2010 isn’t over and no I’m not a Grinch who doesn’t want to celebrate Christmas, but this season always reminds me of the wonderful gift God gave to all of us in the birth of his son, so I like to ponder the many ways I have been blessed in the past year.
Here are my top five:
1. My grandson turned two in November and he is healthy, happy and such a joy. We were able to travel to Oregon to share this special day with him. His parents are doing a wonderful job in raising him and instilling their values in his life. Thank you God for Jack and his parents.
2. My youngest daughter finished her third semester in college and she is happy and joyful about her life. Can a parent ask for anything more than the happiness of their child?
3. My husband, a church music director, has successfully hosted a wonderful music outreach to our community this month. Our church is located in a mostly Hispanic area of Orlando and he has a heart and desire to minister to this community through music. The Christmas event was truly spectacular.
4. My first two books were published this fall. High-Stakes Inheritance in the Love Inspired Suspense line came out in September and Nipped in the Bud in Barbour’s Hometown Mysteries line released in October. My husband hosted a lovely book launch party and I was able to share my joy with so many people.
5. I have contracted two additional books with Love Inspired Suspense to release in 2011. Behind the Badge will come out in June and The Christmas Witness in December. These stories are so special to me as they are about the Morgan brothers introduced in High-Stakes Inheritance.
So it’s been a truly awesome year for me. What about you? What are your top highlights from 2010?
Wow, very nice top FIVE :) Susan! I'd have to say the highlights of my 2010 were -
1)My husband & I celebrated our
25th wedding anniversary in July.
2)And, my first LoveInspired romance "Mending Fences" released in January of this year.
So - a great year!
My 2010 has been awesome but has still has its ups and downs.
#1) I bought a fantastic horse and have made great progress.
#2)I had a fantastic time with my brother and sister and friends at our job
So it has been a great year overall.
Your being grateful for the health of your grandchild was meaningful for me because health problems have so greatly touched the lives of so many of my friends that my prayer list just keeps growing and growing. Those of us who have good health have much to be thankful for. I have been visiting my friends who are seriously ill and those who have lost loved ones and taking them a container of cookies as a small Christmas gift. I still have one container of Christmas cookies to deliver. I think visits mean more to my friends that the cookies.
A blessed Christmas to you.
My 2010 has been full of new stuffs that I started to explore with.. I came across professional Delatorro's book at >>http://bit.ly/eluyUl, and it inluenced me a lot.. It has been a good year to you, too. You inspired me.. Have a blessed 2011.=)
It has been a good year. I have really enjoyed getting to know the authors of the Love Inspired lines and look forward to all the new books coming out. I am also looking forward to my Aunt having a baby in February 2011. Have a Happy New Year everyone!
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