So, picture me
on a quad with a thick helmut and goggles eating dust for 45 mile rides. Sometimes music plays in my head. It is usually country. But, most of the time, I'm plotting. I mean, think of it. I'm basically following my husband and son up one bump and down the other. I've got literally six hours to do nothing but think. This past weekend, well, I thought up a new chapter two and now my old chapter two is chapter three. Oh, and a little brother just became a key player. And, I have to decide which was more dangerous in 1915, being bi-polar or being manic depressant. The good news is, I didn't change any names but I did change states: from Alabama to Kansas. I also changed my heroine's job from factory worker to nanny. I'm set to rumble!!!!

OOOH! I love camping. Sounds like you had fun!
We had a blast.
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