Hey all, Cheryl Wyatt here.
Today is the official release day for Steadfast Soldier and all other June Love Inspired books. Be sure to pick a few up on your next trip to town because they only stay on shelves for a matter of weeks.
I didn't realize until this weekend how fitting it was to have Steadfast Soldier release on Memorial Day weekend. In this story we know that Chance, the hero, has just experienced the death of his mother followed immediately by his father falling ill to a debilitating stroke. Having Chance's mother die was not my original idea but one my editor suggested and for good reasons. Every editorial suggestion has strengthened my books. I trust my editors. They know the readership and they know story. So I simply killed off his mom by writing her out of the synopsis and it was as easy as that, right?
In order to evoke emotion in readers, authors sometimes have to "go there" in their minds. Meaning, imagine what that particular trauma would be like. My mom is still with me and TRUST ME, I did NOT want to go there. That aspect of the book was the most difficult to write because, due to a certain scene involving my hero and a tattered tea pot, I had to think of all the things I'd miss about my mom if she were gone. Simply put...I'd miss EVERYTHING about her.
Unfortunately I know many of you out there have lost your moms and my heart goes out to you.
This weekend, I'm sure many of you spent time and probably a few tears remembering loved ones who've already stepped into Eternity.
My hope is Jesus and the cross. When He rose from that tomb to live again, so did hope that we will see our loved ones again if we only believe.
Please believe.
I don't want this to be a one-way conversation, so I'd love to hear who you miss the most today and why. They deserve to be remembered. No one wants to be forgotten. It's okay. Let your heart go there today...

And I pray that God will lift you up into His lap and hold you. He promises to wipe all of our tears away for good one day. While you draw near to Him in the remembering and let Him draw near to you, I pray that you will experience Him in a deep way. Feel Him lift your chin in the mourning and as eye-meets-eye, you see joy sparkling in His eyes for the tears that have hovered in yours. See the compassion of a God who is Eternal and whose love will never die. Feel Him plant the promise on your cheek through mercy's kiss. You will see your loved one again. Let Him love on you today and thread the hope of Heaven more deeply into your heart.

My heart has been heavy for several days over the loss of a girl I've never met. My niece was informed this week that a good friend of hers comitted suicide a few days ago. Especially painful was the fact that she mentioned my niece in her note and asked that she be thanked for being the only kid at camp to stick up for her when other kids relentlessly teased. Three weeks before she took her life, this seventeen year old girl sent a message through a mutual friend to tell my niece thank you for reaching out and making her life better.
My niece's tearful, agonized-to-the-soul reply: "Cheryl, if I made it better then why did she do it?"

I feel her pain. Such a senseless, preventable death. Those are hard. I can't imagine. I don't want to. Still...a story idea keeps swirling in despite that I continually bat it away.
But if the book can save even one life...I'll go there mentally in a heartbeat. Pray protection over our youth against suicide if you are reading this today. The suicide rate among soldiers is especially high these days too. Lift them up. Support them with your prayers whether you agree with the war or not. The fact is these brave men and women are sacrificing EVERYTHING so that you don't lose everything.

God help us to see the sadness in the eyes of those who may be on the brink of suicide and enable us to reach out and make THE difference of a precious life saved instead of lost.
Feel free to share about a loved one you miss so that we may know a special thing about them and remember them today. You are in my prayers!
As you remember your loved ones today, also remember the hope of Heaven. God is very near to the broken hearted. He loves you. He made a way. Jesus did it. Heaven is real. Hope lives. Sorrow has a definite end. God made sure of it. He is intimately acquainted with your pain. He will help you.

Cheryl Wyatt
Have you ever known a person who could light up a room the minute they entered? A person who brought such tremendous joy even when things were especially difficult in their own life? My cousin Marie was just such a woman. Her joy was infectious. Her laughter was a most beautiful sound. She could bring a smile to your face even when you felt like crying. More imporatantly, her continued faithfulness and expressions of praise to God through a long battle with lupus and cancer (breast, liver, colon and brain)were an inspiration to all who encountered her.
Marie was my cousin, but we were much closer than that label implies. We would call each other and chat for hours. In every conversation she bragged about how awesome God was. It didn't matter if she had just been puking her guts out from her treatment. It didn't matter if the doctor was giving her yet another life threatening diagnosis. God was gonna get His glory. I miss her so much. In some ways it's like a part of me died right along with her. My only comfort is found in knowing that I will indeed see her again one day. Oh what a glorious day that will be!
Jan, what a precious story! May God sustain you with memories to treasure until you are reunited. She sounds like a wonderful person. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hey Cheryl,
Well, Bridget and this girl's family has been on my mind all weekend, I just feel so bad. Wish I could do something to make it better : (
I've been remembering my nephew. He was less than a year old when his mother's boyfriend killed him. It is thought that he beat him up and might have actually thrown him even. The trial was semi-inconclusive. I still remember him, though I was only in 5th grade and didn't really know him. It kills me to think that he would have been 8 years old now. I picture him as this precious little angel baby boy looking out for me still : )
Wonderful, thoughtful, and emotional post today Cheryl. Keeping you all in my mind,
P.S. Sorry I'm so late, had a tennis match! Did you get my email last week?
Hey Hannah,
Thank you for stopping by! I did get your e-mail. Will respond soon! That is dreadfully sad about your nephew. I don't understand how people can be so heartless, ya know? The only consolation in that situation is that the little guy's safe in Heaven with Jesus. Still, what a tragedy.
Thanks for praying for Bridget.
I love them cloud pictures did you take them?
Hi Cindy! Your tribute to your dad brought tears to my eyes. I'll bet he'll be waiting with a pair of dance shoes the minute you step into Eternity.
Thanks for sharing. He sounds like a wonderful and loving father.
Hi jel!
I like your cloud photo too!
I do take photos of clouds but the ones on this blog I purchased from www.thinkstockphotos.com.
I have a subscription to their stock photos because they have a large variety from several stock sites and the prices are pretty reasonable.
Thanks for coming by!
I hope I'm not to late in posting this. While I have enjoyed the Love Inspired books for years, I'm not a very computer knowledgeable person and just today discovered this blog. And Cheryl, you are one of my top 3 favorite Love Inspired authors.
This year I found myself remembering my parents a lot more then I usually do. My mom passed 15 years ago, my dad 5 and this year would have been their 35 anniversary. This year, I found myself looking back at the lessons my parents taught my sister and I without really setting out to teach a lesson.
They met at Ft Lewis, WA, where they were both stationed, a chance meeting that lead to years of happiness through so many thick and thin moments. Mom was a nurse, and dad a logistical sergeant. My mom left the Army after I was born and a few years later diagnosed with Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and a whole list of other problems that eventually lead to her being confined to a wheelchair when I was 10. From my mother, I learned what true faith and strength were. She never blamed God, or ever asked "Why me?". She just donned her 'God Armor' daily, as she put it, and lived her faith with every breath.
My father was career Army and taught me about loyalty and devotion to God, family and country. The heros in your stories, living their faith while serving their country, remind me a lot of him.
Thank you for being a part of something that brings inspiration to so many! Cant wait to read more!
Sorry, I didn't mean to rush you! Lol....I was just curious if you got it or if I had done something wrong ; )
Yeah, it's terrible what people do. Today's world seems so....daunting at times. Especially when crazies are running around all the time!! LOL! You know what I mean?
We're on our "Abnormal Psych" chapter in psych right now. It is mostly mental diseases like bipolar disorder, DID, schizophrenia, etc. Our teacher brought up the fact that these people are mentally disabled. However, murderers and the like are considered "normal". Aren't these people probably a little mentally disabled if they can go out and kill someone or hurt someone, premeditated or not? That's his point. It's just scary that everyday people could be like this. You can never really know....
Sorry for the tangent. I was going off of your comment about people being "heartless". Great way of putting it.
I look forward to hearing from you!!
thanks Cheryl,
I'm a Cloud watcher, and take alot of cloud shots , it's what i do to de~stress :)
have a great day! :)
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