Sandra Robbins here.
It’s graduation time again in our town. Next Friday night the seniors at our high school will receive their diplomas and embark on their journey into adulthood. In our town we still have a Baccalaureate service that is sponsored by the local ministerial association on the Sunday afternoon before graduation. However, since our community is the home of a state university with a large international program that serves many different religions, student attendance is optional.
Yesterday afternoon I was privileged to play the piano for the service that was held at my church. As the graduates marched in to the traditional Pomp and Circumstance, I thought of my graduation, but those of my children were uppermost in my mind. Perhaps that was brought on by the fact that it was Mother’s Day.
I recalled how each of my children looked as they paraded down the aisle ready to go out and see what the world had to offer them. I also thought of how I feared for what they might face in the future but knew that I had to let them stretch their wings and fly. They went with my prayers and a mother’s undying love. I’m sure the hearts of the mothers there yesterday felt the same.
In the next few weeks, young people all across America will be receiving their diplomas. Caps will be tossed in the air, and school songs will be sung for the last time. Friends will go their separate ways, and lives will change. If you have a graduate in your family or know one, let them know you will be thinking of them as they choose what they will do next. But most of all, let them know you’ll be praying for them.
I just attended a 'hooding ceremony' for the graduate students where I work.
It's a beautiful experience and there are so many of them that I've built lasting relationships with.
Their excitement and trepidation brought back memories :-)
I still have a few years until my oldest embarks on that big adventure - but you can bet I've already started the praying process.
Scary :-)
Ahh!!! Sandra, did you REALLY have to bring this up!?!?
Being a graduating senior, I'm freaked out! Lol! Honestly, I'm comfortable how I am and hate change, so this is a really scary, difficult time for me.....
WOW! They're graduating NEXT WEEK!? I graduate on June 18th.....3 days after school gets out! That's new with our new superintendant, seniors used to graduate about a week early.....not anymore unfortunately : /
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