When I set up my office years ago, I put a lot of thought into its layout and furniture. I wanted something that inspired me and was comfortable. After all, I was going to spend hours and hours in that room. I spend more time in my office than any room in my house—even my bedroom. Okay, that may read that I’m a workaholic and I probably am but I have everything I need at my fingertips.

My office walls are painted hot pink with white trim. I didn’t know how I was going to like hot pink and thought if it didn’t work out I could paint over it. But I love the walls. I find the color is invigorating, and I haven’t grown tired of the hot pink yet. In fact, the color has grown on me.
Over the years I began collecting flamingoes. I love animals and flamingoes are hot pink. What better accent than that in my office! Now I have so many—from a giant six-foot stuffed flamingo to a Christmas tree with mostly flamingo ornaments on it. The tree is up year round. And if my cats leave the tree alone, the ornaments stay on it.
When I published my first book in 1981, my husband starting framing my books to hang on the wall. Now I have over sixty on the walls in my office. When I get discouraged, I can look at what I’ve accomplished in almost thirty years in the business.
My office is my getaway where I can go to dream up stories to entertain readers. I usually read books for pleasure even in my office. I have a couch that is quite comfortable. I have been known to fall asleep on it.

I have a book out this month from Love Inspired called Together for the Holidays. In the story, a single mother with a traumatic past, Lisa Morgan only wants to raise her son with love and values. But lately the boy is struggling. When his basketball coach becomes a reluctant role model, Lisa is relieved. Until she learns that David Russell is also a cop. She's not ready to share her past—or her heart. And neither is the world-weary detective. Yet as Christmas comes closer, the true meaning of the holiday brings them together in ways they never dared dream.
Next month I have a Love Inspired Suspense out called Christmas Peril, a two in one story with Debby Giusti.

I love your office, Margaret! And since I've been mentally designing one in my own house (one with actual walls!) I'm green (er...hot pink?) with envy!
Oh wow! What a brilliant office!
GREAT post Margaret!! I really like your office...my sister's bedroom is pink too! Mine is purple(that's my fave color). So cool that you leave the tree up year-round : ) My sis would totally do that if Mom would let her!
Did you say that I could email you to get a copy of the Ebook(I think that's what it was)? Sorry if I'm being to nagging.... : /
By the way, Steph, I LOVE your new picture : ) It's totally adorable! Might I add that it is so weird calling you Steph...there's a boy named Stephen in my class and we call him Steph too. Lol....he is very cool *blush*
I have to share my office with my husband, so no hot pink walls for me.
Framing book covers was the first thing I did when I published. In those moments when doubts cloud my mind, I can look on the walls and say, I did it.
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