Hi everyone! My name is Laura Scott and I’m thrilled to be here with all of you today. You may have noticed a distinct holiday theme with the recent blogs and this one is no different. I’m thrilled to announce my debut book for the Love Inspired Suspense line of Steeple Hill with The Thanksgiving Target.
When my editor asked me to make this story a Thanksgiving story, I readily agreed. Thanksgiving has always been a special holiday for me and no, it’s not just because of the abundance of food although I’d be lying if I didn’t say the tasty meal was a part of this. It’s because I feel that this holiday is really all about taking a step back and giving our thanks to our Lord for all the wonderful gifts we have received throughout the year.
One holiday in particular stands out in my mind, when I gave birth to our daughter who was 8 weeks premature about 10 days prior to Thanksgiving. We were so worried about her, even though she was breathing on her own she had lost a lot of weight and was only 3 pounds 12 ounces by this time. It was the lowest weight she’d posted ever. My entire family prayed with us that Nicole would come home soon and God answered our prayers. She came home on December 5th a whopping 4 pounds and 10 ounces.
Then years later, on her eighteenth birthday, again ten days before Thanksgiving, she walked in and announced how lucky and happy she was to be a part of our family. You see, she’d given us a lot of grief (as teenagers are apt to do), but suddenly she realized how fortunate she was to have a loving and supportive family, enough money to have a nice warm home and food on the table. And to have a spiritual relationship with God.
As you can imagine, I was thrilled she finally recognized what we’d been trying to tell her all along. What a wonderful Thanksgiving coming around full circle.
I hope you’ll take a few minutes out of your day to share your favorite Thanksgiving story with me. And I hope all of you enjoy reading The Thanksgiving Target which will be in the stores next week.
Yours in faith,
Laura Scott
www.loveinspiredauthors.com Secret Agent Father LIS 5/10
When my editor asked me to make this story a Thanksgiving story, I readily agreed. Thanksgiving has always been a special holiday for me and no, it’s not just because of the abundance of food although I’d be lying if I didn’t say the tasty meal was a part of this. It’s because I feel that this holiday is really all about taking a step back and giving our thanks to our Lord for all the wonderful gifts we have received throughout the year.
One holiday in particular stands out in my mind, when I gave birth to our daughter who was 8 weeks premature about 10 days prior to Thanksgiving. We were so worried about her, even though she was breathing on her own she had lost a lot of weight and was only 3 pounds 12 ounces by this time. It was the lowest weight she’d posted ever. My entire family prayed with us that Nicole would come home soon and God answered our prayers. She came home on December 5th a whopping 4 pounds and 10 ounces.
Then years later, on her eighteenth birthday, again ten days before Thanksgiving, she walked in and announced how lucky and happy she was to be a part of our family. You see, she’d given us a lot of grief (as teenagers are apt to do), but suddenly she realized how fortunate she was to have a loving and supportive family, enough money to have a nice warm home and food on the table. And to have a spiritual relationship with God.
As you can imagine, I was thrilled she finally recognized what we’d been trying to tell her all along. What a wonderful Thanksgiving coming around full circle.

Yours in faith,
Laura Scott
www.loveinspiredauthors.com Secret Agent Father LIS 5/10
Hi Laura!
I have been waiting for this book to come out! It sounds terrific! It's really great to meet you and tell you CONGRATS on your debut novel : )
A Thanksgiving story...hmmmm...we always to Thanksgiving at grandma's and grandpa's house. They are both 83 now, so my sister and I, mom, and aunts go there the day before to help grandma prepare. We have a TON of food...yum! It's always really nice. We do the same thing for Christmas except with presents and the tree too. There are usually 14 of us all sitting around the same table eating together and enjoying each others company. Then, it's time to get back to homework! Lol...I expect a lot this year...I'm a senior in high school taking 3 AP classes : /
Congratulations again! If you want, feel free to check out my blog sometime about my high school honors program thesis program. I LOVE having visitors and comments! I'm secretly trying to recruit more Followers! Lol!
Thanks! Hope to see you blogging again really soon!
My favorite thanks story is kind of like yours, the day one of our sons told us meeting other students at college had finally made him appreciate us.
Hi Hannah,
Your holidays sound a lot like ours, lots of people and lots of food! I'm so glad you stopped in and I will try to visit your blog too. Thanks for the nice comment,
Hi Shelia,
Isn't that a wonderful feeling when your children appreciate what they've had all along? I honestly can't describe how special that moment was after the trials and tribulations of those teenates years.
Thanks for stopping by,
Oh okay! Thanks Laura! It was a really fun post : )
See you soon!
My favorite Thanksgiving story comes from when I was in high school. One of my adult cousins who always had fun ideas hatched a plan to have a Thanksgiving parade. All the kids got drums and tooty horns. He had a couple of antique cars and loaded an ancient truck with hay and had a hay ride. Of course all of our entire family was IN the parade, so there was no one to actually WATCH the parade...but it was still so much fun!
Hi Stephanie,
LOL, your parade sounds like fun and what a great way to celebrate with your family.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hannah, you have to tell me which blog is yours, when I went to your profile there are MANY blogs listed including this one (thanks by the way).
Lol! Sorry about that : )
My blog is called Project Journal, it should be at the top of the list. The LONG list is the list of blogs I follow! Lol....
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