Hello and Happy Spring from Lenora:) Tomorrow is my fifty-third birthday. I'm not telling you that because I expect presents (although I love presents) but because I love having a spring birthday. It makes getting old a whole lot better when I watch my garden bursting to life. My azaleas are blooming in various stages and sizes, my lilies are getting ready to open and spread that fragrance of lemons and vanilla round my yard and my petunias are no longer shy. Their pretty faces are now smiling at me over the rims of my many pots in every color of the rainbow.The banana blossom bush is full of yellow flowers that look like tiny tulips and smell like banana popsicles. My husband planted a "knock-out" rose by the pool to add a spot of color and the oak trees are completely green and so lush I can't find the squirrel nests in them. Today I sat outside and let the sun warm my face while the birds chirped and the squirrels fussed. I had a good book with me so I was lost in Regency England with a handsome duke and his lady. How can I be sad about turning fifty-three when I feel like a five-year romping in my secret garden. Could life be any better? Oh yes. I also ordered some birthday shoes today. Gladiator sandals because I believe there is a bit of gladiator in every woman, right? I will wear them with joy as I romp through my garden. "He surrounds me with loving kindness and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things."--Psalm 103: 4- 5. In a world where there is so much tragedy and horror, it's good to be able to remember this as I sit in my garden and watch life unfolding in a timeless fashion that overcomes all despair and evil. And even though I'll be a year older this spring, I'm glad I've been here to witness it's coming every year.
What a lovely picture! I wish I could grow that bush here. I love teh smell of bananas. And Happy birthday, Lenora.
And roses by the pool? I'm so green with envy that I'd fit right into your garden, girl. Up here, there is still snow and though some crocuses are out, in my garden I see only to starts of the chives and daffodils.
Barbara, I love daffodils! I planed some herbs by the front door and I go out there just about every night to get something to throw in the dinner pot--rosemary, basil, mint and lemon balm. I love the smell of fresh herbs.
Thanks for your comments. Sorry about the snow!
Lenora :)
Lenora, you're so right about having a spring birthday. Mine's in a couple of weeks, and I LOVE having the flowers around. And the image of you wandering the garden in gladiator sandals is priceless. Have fun, and enjoy all the birthday presents.
I love spring flowers, too. It's the best time of year for flowers where I live. The summer heat zaps most of the flowers in my yard, so spring is definitely the best.
Happy Birthday Lenora!!(a day late now, I guess-LOL). What an uplifting post you shared today! And your yard/garden sounds lovely. ~ Here in Georgia we've been having a nice Spring too, with lots of colorful blooms (not that many in my yard, but lots in the area, LOL!).~ My precious Mama loved Spring, and when she went to Heaven in April 05, there was a beautiful pink azalea blooming right outside her nursing home window- -we thought that was special. ~ Blessings, Patti Jo
Lenora, your birthday post was sheer poetry. Loved hearing about your garden. Mine's a mess. But it's still cool in the north.
Why not show a picture of those sandles when they arrive?
Happy Birthday!
Hope you had a great day, Lenora!
Thanks for the sweet words. I had a pretty good birthday. A bit different this year. I will post the shoes when they arrive!
Lenora :)
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