I can't tell you how appropriate it is for me to be able to post on April Fool's Day. I am SUCH a practical joker. My husband is too. I love watching shows like Candid Camera and Punk'd and those kinds of shows that secretly film people having enormously outrageous jokes played on them.
Unfortunately one has to be willing to be on the receiving end if one is intent on exacting practical jokes. I've often led youth groups at churches I've been involved in, so that opens me up even more to have jokes played on me.
One of my friends (waving to Kelly Rushing) filled my car with HUNDREDS of over-inflated helium balloons once. I could not even get inside. Worse, she sneaked to my work and did it on a night that I got an emergency call that my mother had a heart attack and things weren't looking good. I was told to come right away. I just had to squish my way into the car and start shoving balloons out as I drove down the highway.
Unfortunately it wasn't long before I was pulled over. LOL!(Laughing Out Loud) The state trooper hardly could believe my story, or see me for the balloons that were PACKED IN so tightly he helped me start popping them so I could drive safely to see my mom. And those balloons that weren't packed in kept floating in front of my face. So I drove the remainder of the way with all windows down hoping the negative air current would suck the rest of the balloons out. My mom ended up okay, but my balloon-planting-buddy felt terrible. LOL!
What has been the funniest practical joke you have heard of? Or that you've had played on you or that you've played on someone else?
I'd love to hear from you! I might just glean some good ideas....
I wanted to mention that my mother ended up okay. She's still with us today and doing fine. I am SO thankful she survived. The doctors were amazed that her heart had actually grown new vessels, albeit small ones, that they said saved her life because she had total blockages of her arteries to the point her main arteries collapsed.
In my April Love Inspired (Ready-Made Family which is IN STORES NOW!), my hero's father suffers from heart disease. Hero Ben recognizes signs of it because he's a military paramedic. He is pulled between family situations of helping his Mosaic Down Syndrome brother, or helping the down-and-out heroine. She has been wounded by a toxic church but learns through the hero what a healthy church is. And of course it's full of ROMANCE! I hope you will pick up a copy and let me know your thoughts on the book.
I also wanted to mention that I'm running a Kindle Contest from April 1, 2009 through June 15, 2009. Winner will be notified on Independence Day of this year. Only my newsletter subscribers will be eligible to enter. To join my newsletter, visit my Web site and sign up in the newsletter space provided. I respect your privacy and will not share your e-mail address with a third party. If the above link doesn't work, paste www.cherylwyatt.com into your browser.
Don't forget to share your practical joke experiences in the comment section of this post! I love hearing from readers.
Cheryl Wyatt
The best April Fools joke was when my kids were just barely able to keep a secret. I told them we were going to play a joke on daddy and tell him we had been caught in a speed trap. They were hamming it up and my husband thought it was true because he didn't realize his kids could act!!!
Love your books, btw, no foolin'
Oh I love that she learns what a healthy church is through your hero! Can't wait to read your book.
I am so glad your mother is ok.
Love and prayers Melody
Great post Cheryl! And I'm glad your Mom is doing well now.~ This isn't a practical joke, really, but a while back I had a "milestone" birthday and my family had a big SURPRISE party for me. I had absolutely NO clue they were doing that, and to get me out of the house that Sun. afternoon my oldest daughter went with me to Walmart. Later, I walked back into my house carrying a 12-pack of toilet paper and was shocked to discover LOTS of people shouting SURPRISE! I stood there and cried!! Hugs, Patti Jo :)
Julie, thank you for coming by! I thought I'd run everyone off. LOL!
That is so cute about your kids! Mine used to plant fake (but very real-looking) spiders on my pillow and stuff when they were wee little bitty. So I think they must have inherited the "practical jokester" gene from both my husband and I. LOL!
Thank you for coming by and getting the comments going!
Thanks too for reading my books! I'm SO glad you enjoy them. I appreciate your support.
Hi Lilac! That is a gorgeous picture.
Yes, I'm glad my mom is okay too. I can't imagine life without her. She is probably the biggest reason I'm published. Her and my dad always told me I could do it. They never let me believe otherwise.
She is still one of my biggest cheerleaders...and marketing guru and is such a blessing. She's the kindest person I know besides God.
I too loved how Amelia's (RMF heroine) faith journey played out in the book. I never really set out to do themes but that one just sort of happened. Evidence of God's hand I hope which will encourage others who've been through similar experiences.
Jo, that is neat about the surprise party! LOL about the toilet paper. I can SO see that as a scene in a book. You must have a great group of friends and a very thoughtful, caring family.
My dad and mom once organized a surprise birthday party for me and I will never forget it. It was my favorite birthday.
Then when my first book sold, my friend from church, Marcie, organized a surprise party for me in the tea room of a local business. I was in tears, it was so nice.
I couldn't help thinking about all the women in that room, the talent and the heart and thinking, they all should be honored for what they do. Some of our gifts for God are visible and some aren't. And I'll bet God will have a bunch of parties of His own planned in Heaven for us.
Thanks for coming by!
I hope you ladies will drop by often. I love the authors on this blog. I always learn so much and their books are great. Don't be strangers! Come by often.
I'll post a comment. Please, please, please choose me as the winner of the Kindle!!!
Loved the balloon story. I would have loved to see the policeman's face when you told him.
LOL! Lena, he said he'd been following me (with his lights on) for miles...but I couldn't see him because of all the balloons. He was like, "What IS that car doing spitting out balloons through three towns? THREE! LOL!
There were a LOT of balloons in that car. I think my friend used up an entire helium tank on them.
I kept thinking that night, "I wish I could laugh about this. I wish I could laugh about this. I wish I could laugh about this" as I drove down the interstate pushing balloons out all four windows.
I have a feeling another vehicle called 911 or something. LOL!
What a cute post!
No, I'm not a big practical joker, not creative enough, LOL. :-)
Jessica, HEY! Saw your Facebook note.
Now that you found us here I hope you'll drop by often!
I'm getting in late on this, but I wanted to share an April Fool's joke that was played on me. I was the principal of an elementary school. On April Fool's Day throughout the morning six teachers came to me to tell me they were pregnant. I was about to go out of my mind wondering where I would come up with six substitute teachers. I didn't catch on until that afternoon when the assistant principal who was in her 60s said, "Well, I guess I should tell you that I'm pregnant, too." That's when the light bulb went off! Everybody in the school had a good laugh at my expense that day.
Sanda, that is HILARIOUS!!!
Thanks for sharing. I'll be laughing all day every time I think about it. He he he! LOL.
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