Missy here. And I need your help. I'm not a gardener at all. I usually only manage to fill the pots on my porch, and maybe put out a tomato plant or two. But every year at this time, I see these gorgeous bushes around town that look like some sort of rose. And I've always wondered what type they are. I snapped these photos at the bank yesterday on my phone. Can you help me figure out what they are?
Help me solve the mystery and I'll enter your name in a drawing for my new book, His Forever Love, coming out June 1! You don't have to be correct to be entered. Just give me your best guess. I'm hoping that most of you will know and I'll be able to look into planting some of these amazing bushes! I'll do the drawing on Sunday and announce the winner under the comments section. So either leave a contact email address or be sure to check back! Thanks for your help!
Those are gorgeous photos, Missy! I can't believe you got them with your phone...
I'm thinking gardening right now, too. Today I'm mailing the deadline book. Tomorrow, Lowe's! :)
I agree - those are beautiful. I'm no gardener either, but I'd guess they're knockout roses. My gardener friends recommend them for me because they're hardy, drought-resistant, and don't need a lot of care to thrive. My perfect plant!
Good for you, Stephanie!! Congrats on getting finished! I was just thinking of you today, wondering how your first book signing went. :)
Ramona, I love that name! Sounds like something I might not kill. LOL!
Missy, I have no clue what kind of flowers those are. I just wanted to drop by and say I'm looking forward to your new book!
Blessings, Teri
Hey Missy! You've stumped my English gardner husband! He said to tell him what it is when you figure it out! It looks like what my mama used to call a Prairie Rose to me, but what do I know, killer of plastic ferns!
LOL I have no clue. Are you sure they're roses?
Hmmmm, how about white centered roses. Heeehee. Now I'm going to look them up.
Posting another comment just to see if my photo comes up, and to see if Missy will enter me twice!
Thanks so much, Teri!
By the way, I love your photo. :) I'll have to post photos of my doggies on here sometime.
LOL, you killer of plastic ferns! :)
All plant care in my house (indoor at least) has been turned over to my hubby. I do NOT have a green thumb.
Jessica, I like your very descriptive name. :)
I don't know for sure they're roses. But they look like some kind of single rose. The buds look more rose-like than the open flowers.
Mae, your photo looks great! But you still can't cheat. :)
Hi Missy - over here in the UK we have yellow primroses that look a lot like the flowers you saw! But to be hones I don't know what they are but they are lovely! Take care. Caroline xx
Hello Missy! Being a fellow Georgian, I'd say they are "Knockout Roses" as someone else already said. They are everywhere in my area (especially outside of restaurants, banks, etc.) and are lovely. Wish I had a few of those bushes in my yard, LOL! Blessings, Patti Jo :)
They look similar to what I remember calling star roses when I was a child. But what do I know I have a black thumb and only weeds grow in my gardens.
Wow, Cindi, thanks so much. I'll look that up!
Thanks, Caroline! I appreciate the info on the primroses. That's something to look into as well.
Thanks, Patti Jo! Another vote for knockout roses. And that name is really familiar.
Ellen, I laughed at your black thumb comment. That's how I feel! :)
Thanks for the tip on star roses.
I have a winner!! The winner of the drawing for a copy of His Forever Love is Patti Jo!!
Patti Jo, please email me at missytippens [at] aol.com so I can get your mailing address. :)
Thanks to everyone for taking part! I've got some great ideas to start looking for info on the roses.
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