By Barbara Phinney
As you read this blog, most of the authors who contribute here are now in New York City. The Romance Writers of America have their annual conference there this year, but sadly, this author wasn't able to go. I have two children in post secondary education, am finishing up a busy month of June, and our daughter is getting married in our backyard in less than 5 weeks. A trip away just wasn't doable.
But the main reason authors congregate at this conference is to re-energize. If you were a fly on the wall in any room there, you'd hear a lot of different conversations, some authors playing catch-up on each others' news, some talking contracts, and some just plain schmoozing.
Surprisingly, it's all re-energizing. Meeting like-minded people, some with more knowledge than you, some with less, all add to your 'filling up'.
But what about those of us left behind? Naturally, we need re-energizing, too. We can get it. We can share in snippets of conversation or tidbits of cool info through Facebook, Twitter, and those authors who can squeeze in a bit of time to post on loops.
For me, re-energizing also came this past weekend at our local church family camp. It poured rain, was cold enough to see your breath, the mosquitoes were the size of hummingbirds, but the messages provided were fabulous.
"Your Soul Care should be your 'sole care'." And in doing that, you gained discernment, and became a better family member. By doing what's best for your own soul, you instill that need in your children. I was thrilled to look down the row of chairs and see my own grown children listening to the talk on Nehemiah, and how he saw a broken people and told them to be brave, remember the Lord and He will fight for you.
I was re-energized. I spent time with friends and family, battled the mosquitoes, the rain, the thunder and lightning, even managed to edit some stories for Smashwords and came away knowing that when God is for us, who can stand against us?
The cabin question was: What is one way I can improve the health and spiritual well-being of my family?
So I ask you, what is one way you re-energize during the time off this summer?
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