So what do I name my hero?
But I gave him a last name of Fischer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it’s similar but I have already confessed my uncreativity in the name department.
I also was clueless about my heroine’s name, and I hadn’t yet gotten a picture in my head of what she looks like, so I decided to pass the buck. I have a fantastic Street Team of “influencers” who pass out my bookmarks in exchange for Christian fiction. (Click here to find out how you can be part of my Street Team.) Occasionally I have challenges for bonus prizes, and I had been intending to have another challenge this week, so I had a drawing for the prize of naming my heroine!
Street Team members who managed to give away the last of their batch of bookmarks in a three-day time window got their names entered in a drawing. I pulled a name out of a hat and the winner got to pick my heroine’s name! (She’s currently deciding, and I’ll have my heroine’s name on Friday.)
Am I the Queen of Delegation or what???
I still have other names to come up with for my other minor characters. I might hit up my Street Team again. :)
So do you have any good name suggestions?

Click here to find out how you can join my Street Team—it’s free and there’s lots of chances to win prizes!
Very interesting post, Camy!!!
Ok, I was in a bit of a trance after seeing your picture of Nathan. Yooooowza!!! To me, Nathan looks like he could be a Hayden or a Colton. I think I'll go back and stare at the picture some more to get inspired. :)
He looks like a Daniel to me.
Naming can be hard without a bit of info like age, location, background.
for example an typical aussie would not have a name like Mary-jo or Sue-ellen, Rarely would an aussie use a double name and names like billie for a girl are unheard of.
So in this case if the female was an aussie and given a name like Billie-Jean most Australian's would instantly know the author hadn't put much thought into it the same with giving some of the southern names that we consider unusual especially if they are over 20
Maryrose--thanks for the suggestions!
Jillian--LOL! Good name suggestions, too!
Good points, Jenny! My characters are all American so most names are okay for them, considering what a melting pot we are. :)
Hi there Camy, Its me Lisa, I saw that you posted for a name, but someone else is picking, but can I suggest... He looks like a Mitchell, Aiden, or Caleb . Female character..Alyssa(this is my sister's name), Shayla,Sydney. I had these names in my lil' notebook just in case. maybe you can use them if you'd like. I have many more if you are ever stuck, I am always here to help.
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