Janet Tronstad here. I've been spending the winter with my parents on their Montana farm and lately we've been seeing an albino fawn in their pine trees. I'm delighted every time I see it, but I have been concerned that he's usually alone (altho there are many deer around and my Mom says he does have a herd he hangs with some). I wonder if his color makes the others uneasy. Which reminds me that it's sometimes the outsider who can appreciate the beauty in an unusual animal or person. I feel we writers are called to be those kinds of outsiders -- taking a fresh look at people and situations so that we can see connections where others don't. What do you think? Has a book ever made you re-evaluate some of your thoughts and feelings about someone else?
I'm thinking I should put that albino fawn in one of my Dry Creek books and have its experience parallel a main character's differences. What do you think? You can comment here or go to my my website (http://www.janettronstad.com) and vote on this very thing.
I love your idea....sounds like a great book coming up!! I will watch for it!!!
Kimmy, Jackie, and Maryrose -- thank you so much for your encouragement! I like the idea, too, the longer I sit with it! There is something endearing about the fawn and yet I know his life is hard among his own kind. And how many of us can relate to that in some fashion? almost everyone.
Many times a careful study of what you see in nature can open your mind to a new truth that God wishes you to see.
I look forward to seeing the deer show up in Dry Creek. It will be neat knowing where the reference came from.
Thanks, Beemama -- I'd guess it would be 2012 when the deer shows up (I have several contracted Dry Creeks I need to write before that and none of them are what I picture for the deer book) -- I am excited about the mini-series within my Dry Creek series that starts coming out this Christmas though so we'll be well-entertained as we wait.
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