This is Janet Tronstad here, working on Labor Day on another of my Dry Creek books (which I love writing by the way). This one prompted me to think of the whole working woman issue in romance novels. I know for a few decades there the push was to give really interesting careers to our heroines. That's what readers wanted then. Now though (at least in my books) I'm trying for careers that are closer to the heart (by that, I mean, closer to people). I've had a woman who owns a small cafe, a Sunday school teacher, a woman who inherits a small farm. The heroine in my book releasing in October, "Silent Night for Dry Creek," is an auto mechanic. And also an ex-con (if that can be a career). In my life, I've done many jobs as well over the years -- I was a waitress (for a day - not for me), a janitor (liked that better), editor of a small newspaper, telephone interviewer on a research study, manager, editor again. I'm sure I've forgotten a few from the years. I find as I grow older, I care less about titles and more about whether I enjoy the job I'm doing at the moment. How about you? What kind of jobs have you had? Which ones did you like?
I've never had an official job! Lol(I'm only in high school) However, I nanny 4 adorable kids(so I guess that is a job) and I help out in my elementary school's library. I also work in the kitchen for every one of my church's turkey suppers. Every month for 6 years now I think, maybe 7. I've lost track!
I love the thought of a librarian character! Actually, a nanny could make an interesting story too maybe : ) Lol!
Okay Janet where do we begin. 1st job I worked front cashier at an Arbys, 2nd job I worked as a cashier at a grocery store, rd maid at a hotel (lasted about a week), 4th I was a waitress, 5th a telemarketer, 6th clerk at a grocery warehouse, 7th a substitute teacher. This is the current job and the one I love the most.
I just happend to grab Silent Night in Dry Creek off the counter so I am gonna head to see whats going on in Dry Creek. You should see a review from me on it on eharlequin in the next few days.
Hannah -- How cool to see you at both of the places where I'm blogging today! I was surprised when my name came up for both Craftie ladies and here on the same day -- that wasn't by design.
Jessiecue -- Well, you've done a few different kinds of jobs. I think that always gives a person good perspective. Glad you were able to grab "Silent Night for Dry Creek." I'll look forward to hearing what you think -- I had great fun writing the book so am hoping everyone enjoys it!
Lol...yes that is very cool. Weird that they landed on the same day.... : )
When did Silent Night in Dry Creek come out? I never saw it in store.
Hannah -- 'Silent Night for Dry Creek' is an October release so it might not have hit your local store yet.
Ohhhhh...gotcha! That would be why. The only places that carry the LI books here are Walmart and Kmart, however, Kmarts are about $2 more! So, I always go to Walmart to get them, lol! We still have the September ones since it's only September 12! I'm impressed that some places already have the October ones...
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