I don't live in a huge town now, but it's a beach town and as you can imagine, in the summer our population swells. So we have tons of restaurants, one of which is a free-standing Chick Fil A. I think the kids and I ate there forty-two times the first month we lived here. We're now down to a much more reasonable once a week! Except not on Sunday, because Chick Fil A is closed on Sunday.
So in honor of one of my fave fast food restaurants, here's an ode to Chick Fil A by Christian comedian Tim Hawkins:
(Upon doing some research I just found out those of you in Canada don't have Chick Fil A on Sunday or any other day! I'm so sorry to hear that...but then, you do have Tim Horton's so I'm thinking maybe that's a fair deal :) And if any of you have fast food addictions, feel free to comment and make me feel better about my love for crispy chicken sandwiches!

Hi Stephanie!
I live in Vermont and, well, we don't have Chick-Fil-A restaurants here either. I have traveled around "down south" and seen them, but never eaten at one either.
However, your Chick-Fil-A sounds like my chinese food. I absolutely LOVE "American-Chinese" food. It's beyond words for me. A little while ago, a new chinese restaurant opened just down the road from my house. Like you, I live in a small town. This new restaurant had a lot of choices and all the dishes are only $5! Now, I don't know how well you know chinese food, but it's expensive. I got my licsense on December 21, 2008. So, right after it opened I was able to drive my sister there and get food. We usually head over after church on Sunday to get our lunch there!
Hannah, I'm with you on the chinese food.
But either way I go...chinese or Chick-fil-A...I have to drive.
Our town as Subway. They lack carbs and things fried. Bummer. Its either Subway, or something under the lamp at the convenience store.
We have a Subway and McDonalds. If you drive a bit there is another McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, Kentucky Fried Chicken and I think that's it. We're deprived in Vermont!
I love Chick-Fil-A. We have several here and I think there is one on the campus of our university. I haven't been to the one in the mall in a while because I am trying to stay out of the mall since they are totally destructing it (or at least that's what it feels like). A new company bought it and is restructuring everything...removing some things, moving some things, enlarging some things.
Oh, Chinese! My other love...my favorite is Moo Goo Gai Pan :) I also love the fried wontons with the yummy cream cheese inside? Now I'm getting hungry! I think I'll have to have Chinese for lunch, LOL!
Mmm, Brenda...there's just something about a biscuit for breakfast from the convenience store!
Wow, Ellen! It seems like you live in a fantastic place (at least as far as Chick Fil A goes :) Here's hoping your mall comes back bigger and better.
I'm at PT with my oldest, so I'm hoping that I can actually get this comment to post...fingers crossed, here we go...
Oh dear ... we don't have Chick Fil A in my area. Now you've got me craving a food I haven't even tasted yet! I want the waffle fries and that sweet tea from the song, too.
Wow. Sierra, you are deprived, girl. When you come to RWA conf in Nashville next year (dontcha love how I make plans for you?) we'll make sure to squeeze in a side trip to Chick Fil A!
I had Chinese today for lunch! I convinced my sister(very easily I might add) to go and get some! I love General Tso's Chicken, Honey Chicken, Boneless Spareribs, and Lo Mein the best! Now I'm craving it again! : )
Happy eating,
My son-in-law was born in Hawaii. There are no Chi-Fil-A in Hawaii. We tease him that he should open a store there and get rich.
Leann, you might have something there! I've never seen a Chick Fil A that wasn't slam-busy! (And I'm stunned at all the places without them!)
I've had a great time chatting about all the fast food love today! Thanks, y'all :)
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