It's me, Lenora. I'm not going to panic. Really, I'm not. I have a heavy deadline due to some revisions and I'm planning a two week trip as I make my way to Washington, DC for a conference. I agreed to host a meeting at my house this weekend, complete with cooking brunch (and I obsess about presentation!!!) But I'm okay, really. My house is a mess and somehow I have to get it clean by Friday. But I'm not sweating it, no ma'am. I have magazine work to complete and edit, but that's okay. I have lots of time. I agreed to help with a meal for about 30 people in mid-July. The night before we leave for said two week trip. But I'll get it done, I know.
I'm helping out with a church supper Wednesday. No problem. I need to remember Father's Day is Sunday. Got gift. Hidden at a friend's house. Memo to self--remember to get gift from friend's house. Did I mention I'm doing revisions??? Did I mention my deadline is fast approaching? Did I mention my house is a mess? But I'm not going to panic. Did I mention that I was about to go to bed and realized I hadn't written this blog? Does anyone have any chocolate????
Am I the only person on earth who feels as if she just can't stop pedaling, pedaling as fast as she can??? Just wondering?? I need something to calm me down, something to center me. I will trust that things will work out and my brunch will be great, that it won't rain Saturday morning and that I won't burn anything. I need to trust that I'll find time to get the house clean and that my presentation of that brunch will be ... stunning. I will not panic. Not me! Now quick, someone talk me through this. Or at least tell me I'm not the only one???
Did this post cheer you up or make you just plain tired???
Lenora :)
"My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:14)
I always thought that as I got older, I'd have more time. So far, that's not happening LOL.
I hear you. At least I got approval on my revisions this morning. It is a happy, happy day.
But house is still a mess and I'm still pedaling!
Lenora :)
Hi Lenora!
I totally understand how you feel! I am 17, a junior(soon to be senior) in high school. This week we have final exams. I have chorus, french 3, world literature, and AP biology. On top of that, my schedule is "messed up" for next year so it needs fixing. But, I will be taking chorus, AP english, AP calculus, AP physics, and french 4 as an independent study! I am very stressed about my course load!
Plus, we are planning our trips for the summer. We are taking 2 - New York and Wales, Isle of Jersey, and France. There are six of us going(grandparents, mom, sister, aunt, and I). I am also in the Honors Program at my school and am working on my thesis project. I am doing a "take-home" book program. It is with first graders so it is bound to be crazy. There are also the day-to-day drama of being a teenager of course. Plus (and I almost hate to bring this up!) there's the pressures too. I am a "bigger" girl, we'll just say. There is the constant pressure of trying to lose the weight, which is really hard. Especially under all of the stress!! Hahaha! I know I can't exactly relate, but I have stress too. You're not alone.
What I try to do, though, is every night take 5-10 minutes, or more if I feel I need it, for myself. It's usually right before bed. I pray and read my bible(which I convienently keep by my bed). It is conforting to know that I will get through this with God's help. Therefore, I make the time for him and me, so that everything will all work out!
Thanks(I hope that helped and doesn't sound crazy!!),
Hannah, bless you! That is a heavy schedule. I'm impressed. And I do take time for myself--that's a good idea. I love to read a little bit each night and I like to read devotionals so I'll wake up in a good mood. Works most days. I remember the pressure of being a teenager (about a hundred years ago! THanks for responding and thanks for your suggestion!
Lenora :)
I've learned to say 'no.' Do the things that have to be done, and let the others ride. Learn to pace yourself. A messy house kills no one!!! Health issues bring perspectives into sight. That's my story.
Would you mind explaining devotionals to me? I don't really know what they are...though I've heard a lot about them.
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