Time for true confessions on the Love Inspired Author’s blog: My name is Stephanie Newton and I’m addicted to television. The DVR has made this addiction possible. Our daily schedule is so busy that I probably wouldn’t watch nearly as much if I didn’t record my favorites to watch in my “free” time.
I’ve watched every episode of NCIS. I love the quirky characters on that show. The Israeli assassin Ziva, the love-em and leave-em Tony who hasn’t been successful at lovin’ lately, the geeky McGee who writes spy novels, the married four times Gibbs who lost his one true love…these are the characters that make the stories come to life.
What about House? That guy is easily the most egotistical man on television, and yet, he has friends. The ever faithful Wilson and the lovely, smart Cutty. He’s a lonely, wounded, grouchy drug addict who questions God but still…there’s something about his character that is so raw and real that makes him seem redeemable. At least I keep hoping he is.
Then there’s that new show on FOX: Lie to Me. It’s a study in human emotion, what makes us tick. Why we lie and how we try to cover it up—and why we can’t. Fascinating stuff. It hasn’t been on long enough for me to know if it’ll be a keeper, but for now, I can’t turn away!
Finally, The Unit. I’ve been a fan of this show since its second season when I was writing a military hero. (poor Marco hasn’t reached his HEA yet, but there’s always hope) The dynamic in this show is how a team functions--and boy, if you want to see acts of heroism, they are aplenty in this show about a super-secret military unit. I love the interaction between the men, the ultimate trust, and really, I have to tell you the truth: I love it when they blow stuff up.
So, now the secret’s out. I’m addicted to TV, but it’s one way I refresh the creative well. What about you? How do you spend your “free” time? TV? Reading? Or maybe you paint in the style of the cubists? Come on, spill your secrets—I promise I won’t tell anyone. :)
Thanks for the post about favorite TV shows. I'll let you in on my secret. I have recently become addicted to a channel that I found in the high numbered ones on our cable offerings. The channel is named ID, and every show is a documentary about real serial killers, forensics, or stories of horrible crimes. As a writer of mystery and suspense, I have found these programs intriguing. The story ideas are endless, but sometimes I just have to find an old Andy Griffith rerun to get away from all that violence.
Stephanie, the military channel is one I recently discovered. Since I write military men, it's given me ideas.
My husband and I have been enjoying Lie to Me. We watch it on Hulu when we get a free night.
I read books or blogs when I get some free time.
I've heard of ID, but we don't have it! I'd be disappointed, but it's probably a good thing or I'd have something else to be addicted to! :)
I love the show FutureWeapons. Have you seen that one?
Checked out your blog, Jendi. Very cool. I love your story about your two year old. We've been at Disney this week (the reason I've been so slow responding) and I've had so much fun watching the kids of all ages. Mine are teenagers now, but those days are so close in my memory!
I'll have to check out Hulu, too, for those times that I forget to record on the DVR. Thanks for the tip!
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