One of the blessings of writing books is getting to know readers. I love when readers share aspects of their lives, hopes, dreams, quirks, stories and just life with me. I feel so blessed and honored.
I'm pretty bashful in person, but online it's easier for me to communicate. One benefit of blogging is the connections and friendships I'd be too shy and awkward to initiate in person. What are some things that you love talking about? Things you'd feel comfortable sharing with us online?
I'd love to hear about your life, your pets, your hobbies, your faith walk-things God's been showing you in His word, encouragement you've received.
I'm hoping you'll share insight into what sorts of subjects you'd be excited to discuss/share.
Thank you so much for the blessing of your readership and for visiting our blog. We appreciate you more than words could say.
In short, for the purpose of future blog posts, I'd love to know:
1. What things would you like to know about me/my life/my family/my writing?
2. What things would you love to talk about regarding your own life/family/career/hobby/etc.?
I interact with readers daily on my Facebook page, and invite you to join us:
I also provide freebies, story extras, series-related recipes, giveaways and other goodies, exclusive to subscribers of my newsletter. You can sign up for that here:
Lastly, here's my prayer for you, dear readers:
Cheryl Wyatt

Hey Cheryl!! It is so great to see here! Talking about pets is always fun. I went running with my son the other day at the high school track. Milo, my chihuahua, who usually runs with me if I only do a mile, must not have realized my vehicle was gone when he went running past it. Tim put him outside, in the dark, and finally found him down near the mailbox. He-Milo- thought I was running at home and was coming to find me lol.
Talking about writing is fun too! What you're working on, what's up next, how different stories impacted you and little funnies you came across as you were writing them. I finished one story last year and I am almost finished with another one. Your prayer and encouragement has been such a help and inspiration!
Talking about your family is always interesting, and definitely snow. I'm still waiting on snow. The local high school closed two hours early yesterday in anticipation of a snowstorm that wasn't predicted before it even started. Needless to say, there might have been some snowflakes, but I never saw them. Have you seen any yet? If so, please share! I miss my snowman...
It is always great to talk with you Cheryl! Can't wait to see what the new year holds for you. Praying for you daily!
That is so cool about your pup and your son running with you! sweet that he went to find you!
Thank you for the input on talking about writing, etc. Praying for you, too! You bless me so much. Thank you, dear friend!
Hey Birthday Buddy, it's almost our time of the year! Great to hear from you! I love to hear about your family. I love talking about my two adorable granddaughters! I love hearing about your writing process. That's interesting to me! I enjoy hearing about the other people that post! A connection to people around the country! It's fantastic! Can't wait for your next book!
I know I've signed up for your newsletter....I haven't received anything from you in a long time.....I hope that's normal
Hello my birthday buddy! Yep, I'm waiting to send out the newsletter when my book releases Feb 1. So you haven't missed one. :-) Excited for our birthdays coming up. Thank you for your feedback. It's awesome and so helpful. LOVE to hear about grandkids! Thank you so much for being a part of my world, sweet friend!
Hi Cheryl, The New Year has been good for us so far and I pray it continues. Not sure I know what I want to talk about but I am tired right now and not thinking all that straight. :) Jenny
Hi Sally and Valri!
Jenny, I know the feeling. LOL! Glad your year's going great so far.
Hi, Jennifer!!! Hope you are doing well!
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