Friday, May 15, 2015

I'm Late for a Very Important Date by Leann Harris

Okay, Okay, I didn't look at the calendar and missed by date to post, which was yesterday, but as the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland said, "I'm late." It's been a busy week, combined with falling in love with my first granddaughter. I never thought I'd go so goofy over a grandbaby, but I was wrong. Having been a deaf educator, I know all the stages of how babies learn to speak. They start to babble and then hear themselves and repeat what they are hearing. Echo babble it's called and that's what my little girl is doing. I didn't appreciate it when my kids were young, but I was running as fast I could to keep up with them. Now, I can just visit and notice how she's changed. She wasn't smiling in the picture, but both sets of grandparents were.
Now, my hair is a bit short, but I had minor surgery to fix my scalp, but I'm well. After going through the cancer, I want to thank Heaven for this this new life and my health. On another note, I have a book out next month, with two little charming boys driving that book who want to be cowboys and love the rodeo cowboy who shows up at their ranch.


Keli Gwyn said...

Leann, I'm so sorry you've been dealing with cancer and surgery. I'm glad to hear you're doing better. I think visiting your adorable granddaughter would be the best medicine of all.

Jennifer said...

Congratulations Leean on your Grandma status! I thank the Lord that you are doing well and I'll keep praying for you. How exciting about your new book! So happy for you! Jenny

Jackie Smith said...

I am so glad you are enjoying better health, Leann.....and enjoying your granddaughter as well. Love the cover on your new book!

Hi to Jennifer and Keli!

Leann Harris said...

Thank you for your concerns. I'm doing well.

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Shirley said...

I'm glad you are doing well. Cancer can be scary.

On another front welcome to the Grandma Club. Isn't it great!
I have your new release but haven't had a chance to read it yet. Looking forward to getting into it.