Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall in Georgia

Fall in Georgia
Missy Tippens

I saw Marta's beautiful post the other day and felt such a longing for the changing of the leaves. But I have to admit I don't relish the thought of cold weather. I prefer early fall, spring and even the heat of summer.

Still, there's something nice about the weather cooling (it was a wonderful 70 degrees as I wrote this Tuesday night), the smell of cinnamon and apples cooking, the smell of pumpkin bread or pumpkin pie baking.

Each year, our church's youth group sells pumpkins for a fundraiser. The kids work to make money to pay for their trips during the year--mission trip, retreats. We bring in hundreds of gorgeous pumpkins to sell.

When it's time to buy a pumpkin for our own front porch, the kids and I always go around and around about whether to get a nice round pumpkin. Or a tall, skinny one. Or a short fat one. A smooth one or one with bumps (we call warts). :) Personally, I like the short, squat, warty ones. And I love them to have a nice stem.

What we usually end up doing, though, is picking one pumpkin each. It's a nice way to settle the "dispute". And it is, after all, for a good cause! :)

Missy Tippens has a new release from Love Inspired this month!

The Guy Next Door

From Friend to…Fiancé?  

Stalwart and steady, Darcy O'Malley has been by Luke Jordan's side since childhood. She has seen him through trials and tragedies, romances and breakups. They've been everything to each other—except boyfriend and girlfriend. Why ruin a good thing? What Luke can't explain, however, is why suddenly Darcy's presence is making his heart beat so hard. Something has changed since he left Appleton, and it's making him uneasy. Is it possible his best friend is meant to be something more? Dare he risk their perfect friendship in the hopes of finding his perfect wife?


Jennifer said...

That's awesome how the kids can have this opportunity to raise money and learn a healthy lesson on work ethics. :)

Jackie Smith said...

Hope the pumpkin sale went well, Missy!!
Our GA leaves are beginning to change colors, huh?!?
Just got your book and can't wait to read it...wanted to attend your Winder signing, but could not!
Keep up the great writing!!

Missy Tippens said...

Jennifer, it is a great way for kids to work for their trips. We have the pumpkin patch the whole month of October. Parents and grandparents sign up to help as well. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Missy Tippens said...

Jackie, we have just a very few yellow leaves so far. I'm looking forward to more!

I hope you enjoy the book!!

Leann Harris said...

Fall may come late to the south, but we get our color longer. One Thanksgiving I remember driving from Mobile, through Houston and up to Dallas. Color was beautiful and it lasted a month.

Missy Tippens said...

That's true, Leann. As long as we don't have a storm blow through it does tend to last. :)