Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Catching Up From ACFW conference in Indy

Good Morning, Jenna Mindel here, a little bleary eyed from yesterday's travel home from the American Christian Fiction Writer's Conference in Indianapolis.

Indy from White River Park

What a great time I had too! This was my first experience attending ACFW and I noticed the warmth and desire to honor God with our writing above all else. Pretty cool.

It's really important to fellowship with like minded people; for encouragement, learning, whatever. I think of the saying "no man is an island". And boy, it's so true. None of us live in a void. We all touch each other. We impact people's lives. And stories touch people as well. As an author, I'm reminded of that responsibilty and it's one I pray for direction. I pray I get it right.

In what ways have you been touched by a book?

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