Monday, September 17, 2012

I’m in Charleston where my daughter attends college, visiting her and doing some preliminary research for the sequel to HOMEFRONT HERO.  Ida’s going to get her own story involving a Charleston orphanage and a dreamy doctor, so I’ve had my head buried in numerous historical texts.  Not the kind of thing to catch the attention of your average 20 year old communications and tourism major.

Ah, but life can surprise us.  Events conspired to bring her with me on one of my visits to the South Carolina Historical Society research library, where she was sure she’d be “catching a few winks” while I caught up on a few facts.  Instead, halfway through the third resource I uncovered an hysterical account of an orphan band who’d been hired to “drown out the opposing team’s band” at a local football game.  Misunderstandings took bad to worse and by the end of the episode the children were running from the scene terrified the opposing team was out to steal their instruments.  Very funny stuff.

It was fun to watch my daughter pull such an entertaining scene out of the annals of history.  People were people back then, too, just a given to panic and misunderstanding and comedies of errors as they are today.  Who’d have thought we’d be fighting back giggles in the research library?

Dry history?  Not a chance.  Not if you dig deep enough.

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