Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Joy by Leann Harris

I saw Chuck the reindeer at the local grocery store, and just couldn't pass him up, and bought him to take to Grandma's. I'm rejoicing this Christmas.  I pray that everyone will take time to enjoy this season. Laugh, take joy in this joyous time.
Also, my second book in the Legacy of Lies,  THE LAST TRUTH, is out. 
 Betrayed by her fiancé  to the Nazis, Linette Van Linder escapes the clutches of the Waffen SS and runs into American reporter, Michael St James. The only way he is able to get her out of the Netherlands is to marry her. He does.
Their forced marriage becomes more than a simple means to an end, but two souls bound in the fires of war. Linette goes to work with the SOE running spies for the English into Holland, while Michael joins the American Army and becomes attached to Dwight D. Eisenhower.
With Europe ablaze, Linette and Michael join the fight against the darkness that settled across the continent and struggle to come to grips with the people they've become, and wonder if their love will survive.


Jennifer said...

Hi Leann, A very cute reindeer indeed! Like the forced marriages that find love so nice to read. Jenny
Merry Christmas!

Jackie Smith said...

Looking forward to reading The Last Truth!!

Merry Christmas to Leann and Jennifer!

Jennifer said...

Merry Christmas Jackie!

Leann Harris said...

Jackie, I hope you like the book.
I should've upload chuck's bigger brother. He was 2' tall.

Shirley said...

Love the reindeer.