Sunday, January 25, 2009

When You're Down, Look Up

On Friday, I was staring at my computer screen not knowing which way to go with the next scene of my book and questioning my ability as a writer. My husband popped into the doorway with a comment -- and I told him that for some reason in the past couple weeks, I keep asking myself why I'm a writer. I not only write for Steeple Hill but I write for Barbour Publishing. I'm usually upbeat and love writing for both publishers, and I don't like the inadequate feelings that struck me.

Apparently the Lord knew I needed to be uplifted, and once again He validated why I'm a writer. Awesome God that He is, He's there without asking. When I arrived home from an eveningn out, a friend had sent me a congratualations email. Her kudos involved the winners of the 16th Annual Heartsong Presents Awards. Each year, members of the Heartsong Presents book club vote for their favorite authors, books, and covers. Having no idea what my friends was talking about I sought out The Edit Cafe where I hoped the information would be listed. I not only was name 2008 Favorite Author of the Year, but all three of my releases in that line were in the top ten contemporary romances published by Heartsong last year and two of those covers were in the top ten.

God is awesome. If you'd like to see the full list of top ten winners, you can go to: You might find some of your favorite authors there.


CatMom said...

Congratulations Gail !! Yes, God is SO AMAZING!! I've noticed that whenever I'm feeling discouraged or struggling with grief (over the loss of my Parents) He uses someone or something to give me a LIFT !! He never fails us!!
Blessings, Patti Jo :)

Gail Gaymer Martin said...

Thanks, Patti Jo. Praising Him with you.
