Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Allowing space in your day to relax!

Danica Favorite here, and I've been slowly working on finding a balance between my fast-paced life, and finding ways to care for and nourish myself. I recently started doing videos on Periscope, and yesterday's video was a lot of fun. I'm posting it here, but I also wanted to hit the highlights for those of you who don't want to spend ten minutes watching me putter around my kitchen (but my kitchen is super cool, and you do get a tour of my messy kitchen!).

One of the most important points I made was that sometimes, the very best thing you can do for yourself is to take a break and relax. I was SO tired yesterday, and really struggled with getting going after the holiday weekend. Usually, I try to push through it, but to be honest, I'm not very productive when that happens. So, I took a break, took a walk, made myself a yummy smoothie, and did a fun Periscope of the process. Afterwards, I felt SO good. It was amazing how much more energy I had, and I really think I got much more done than I would have had I not given myself that break.

Sometimes, the biggest thing we need to put on our to-do list is taking care of ourselves. So today, I hope you take a little time to be good to yourself and do something to care for yourself. It might seem like a waste of time, but it will energize and prepare you for whatever else you have to get done.

If you're on Periscope, come find me at danicafavorite. And, of course, I'd love for you to stop by my website at and say hi.


jcp said...

I struggle to relax especially when I'm under severe stress

Jill Weatherholt said...

I agree Danica, we all need to take the time to relax and do something for ourselves. Thanks for the reminder. :)

Jennifer said...

My breaks usually involve playing Words With Friends or Scamble, reading of course, and taking a nap. My favorite treat drink is an Icee and it has to be Cherry flavored.

Danica Favorite said...

jcp, I hope you make the time to relax, especially when under severe stress. That's when you need it most! Hugs!

You're welcome Jill!

Jennifer, sounds like some great relaxation. An Icee sounds yummy!

Jennifer said...

They are and at .99c very easy to get.