That’s me, 24 years ago today, dancing smitten with my new husband. It’s my very favorite photo from our wedding, and I’m sure you can see why. Even now, so many years later, it brings a smile to my face every time I look at it.
It’s good to mark the happy moments, to keep them alive in our memories. It helps us balance out the bad recollections life is all too eager to hand us. Too often, I’ve found, we devote lots of energy to “making the bad go away,” when that’s not really possible. Better to spend our time and attention capturing all the good we find to serve as a counterbalance.
I’ve also found that frequently the good we seek hides inside what feels like tragedy. It’s definitely been true in our lives--our son’s cancer was a devastating experience, but there have been so many blessings in that journey and his recovery that it’s “balanced out.” I don’t think it’s an accident that his diagnosis date was March 10 and my wedding anniversary is March 11--both were launching dates of incredible journeys. We acknowledge both. I once had a character say, “that’s why God gives us two to hold the good and the other to hold the bad so we can balance them out.” I believe it to be true. It is one of the deepest lessons Holly and Mason learn in my new book “Family Lessons.”
Where’s the good in your life today to balance out the bad? Finding good, hunting it down wherever you are, is a habit that can be learned. Adopt my daily practice and find four good things in every day. It will train your brain to find the good (even the tiniest good) in the life you have now, not the one you wish for.
One of my good things today? Looking at that photograph and feeling myself smile.