Showing posts with label mother of the bride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mother of the bride. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. at last.

Pat Davids here.

I went to a wedding last Saturday. It wasn’t just any wedding. It was unconventional, and it was the wedding that I have been waiting thirty-five years to attend. My daughter got married.
This is her family. I wish I has some wedding pictures to share, but I haven't gotten my copies yet.

Now, I know some of you are mothers and grandmothers so you will understand when I tell you that I have only been happier than I was Saturday three times in my life. Once when my daughter was born, once when my grandson, Joshua, was born and again when his sister, Shantel, was born.

All brides are beautiful, but even as a writer I can’t begin to describe how radiant my girl looked as she came down the aisle on her daddy’s arm. Even as I’m writing this post I’m getting tears in my eyes just thinking about it.

I’ll bet you think I was the one crying at the ceremony, don’t you?
Nope. I did not. I smiled so much my face hurt, but I didn’t cry.
You know who was crying?
Not the bride.
Not the groom.
Not my husband.
Not my mother.
Not even the groom’s mother.

The one who was crying pure tears of joy was my daughter’s little girl. For Shantel, it was more than a dream come true. It was all her wishes rolled into one.

You see, my Kathy and Tony have been together for ten years. Shantel is nine and that child was happier and more excited than all the rest of us put together when her daddy finally married her mother.

She made a beautiful flower girl. She walked down the aisle proudly with the ring bearer at her side--Duchess, the family dog. Did I mention my daughter and Tony were unconventional?
They are, but they are finally husband and wife in the sight of God and what He has joined together let no man put asunder.

This momma is so happy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mom, guess what?

Patricia Davids, here.
Prayers get answered all the time. I know that, but I'm still in shock because my long ago prayers have finally been answered.

The call started with that most benign of statements. "Mom, guess what?"

What? Good news, bad news?

"I'm getting married."

Stunned silence on my part. My daughter is getting married.

Oh, that's sweet. I can hear all the congrats and well wishes, thank you, but you don't understand. My daughter is getting married to the man she's lived with for 10 years. They have a nine-year old daughter. It was a second relationship for both of them and neither of them believed a piece of paper could make them more married than they already were.

I had honestly given up on them ever making it legal. I still can't believe it.

And they want a church wedding! You could have knocked me over with a feather.

I finally get to be the mother of the bride. I'm going to cry. I'm so happy for them and for me, and for my darling mother who has prayed for this day all along. This is a wonder of wonders.

I just had to share my good news with the world. I'd invite you all to the wedding, but I'm not sure there will be room in the church, so wherever you are on Sept 18th, stop and say a prayer for Kathy and Tony and their new life together in Christ.

still grinning