Showing posts with label seasons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seasons. Show all posts

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Allie Pleiter on Graduation Season

It’s graduation season at the Pleiter house.  Back when we were planning our family, we thought ourselves oh-so-clever to have our two children four years apart (that was back when we were young and foolish enough to think one can plan such things…).  I remember thinking how nice it would be to get to tackle one college tuition at a time.

It’s worked out that way…sort of.

Mandy & I hamming it up at her high school graduation
I didn’t foresee having to graduate both children—one from college and one from high school—within weeks of each other in different parts of the country.  I didn’t foresee double sets of announcements, celebrations, gifts, and logistics.  We didn’t realize the final year’s tuition payment for one child would still fall in the same year as the first year’s tuition payment for the second child—ouch!

That’s parenthood—you never see most of it coming.

With all the hassles, I am still deeply grateful and aware that these are happy days.  My children have accomplished great things—some of them under very difficult circumstances.  I am full of wonder at launching them into their new lives.  And, quite frankly, I’m pretty excited at the prospect of regular visits to Charleston, South Carolina and Austin, Texas—in winter, that is.  Unloading my son into a Texas dorm room in August?  Not so much.

Benchmarks are worth celebrating.  These are watersheds in my children’s lives, and I’m happy for them.  They are becoming the most amazing people right in front of me.  So far, I have no fear of the empty nest—but I realize I may eat those words.

What about you?  How many of you are launching children into new seasons of their lives?  Graduations, marriages, new jobs?  Let’s celebrate together!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Autumnal Equinox

This is Merrillee, reporting that for those who live in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States, the autumnal equinox will be tonight at 11:09 PM. It will occur at 3:09 AM Coordinated Universal Time on September 23. That means tomorrow will be the first day of fall in the northern hemisphere. The coordinated movement of the sun, stars and planets in the universe shows the way God set everything in motion and how it continues year to year. In my Community Bible Study classes this year, we are studying Genesis. We read how God made order out of chaos, and His world continues with that order centuries later.

I like what Jeremiah 31:35 says: "This is what the LORD says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar— the LORD Almighty is his name:"

If you are at the Equator at the time of the either the vernal or fall equinox, day and night are almost equal in length. Here are a few photos of sunrises and sunsets. You'll notice there are a lot more sunsets than sunrises. Does that tell you I'm not a morning person?


In this photo the sun hasn't quite made it's appearance over the Atlantic Ocean.

Here the sun has just appeared over the horizon as the waves wash onto the beach.


This is a sunset taken from a Jamaican beach.

This photo was taken from Negril in Jamaica.

This is a sunset looking over the dunes close to my home.

This photo was taken from my brother's back porch near Spokane, Washington.

God made some wondrous beauty when he set the world in motion with His perfect timing. In the northern hemisphere fall arrives at this time of year. Spring starts for those in the southern hemisphere.

What is your favorite season of the year?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Front Porch Friends

Missy Tippens here. I shared with my newsletter subscribers the other day that the photo I use on my website and blog isn't actually my front porch. (Several people had written to ask me!) Alas, I don't have a green thumb, so my porch isn't quite as beautiful as this one.

But I love the idea of having a porch like this. A place to sit with friends and enjoy a nice evening. I guess you could say my back deck serves that function better than my front porch. I have some comfortable furniture, and we love to eat outside in the spring and fall.

So what's your front porch like? Or do you have a place outdoors where you like to enjoy this beautiful spring weather?
You can find Missy, and sign up for her quarterly email newsletter, at
If you'd like Missy to send you a copy of her recent newsletter with the real front porch photo, just email her at missytippens @ (and remove the extra spaces).