Showing posts with label Leigh Bale; The Forest Ranger's Promise; The Forest Ranger's Husband; The Forest Ranger's Child. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leigh Bale; The Forest Ranger's Promise; The Forest Ranger's Husband; The Forest Ranger's Child. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Leigh Bale's Parents Get an Offer

Have you ever felt strongly that you needed to do something very difficult, but it’s like trying to start a dead car to make it happen? It just seems so difficult and like everything is out of sync? Nothing works right. And then, maybe one, two or more years later, it all falls into place? It all works perfectly. That’s how it’s been for over two years while my parents have tried to sell their home and relocate to my city, a ten hour drive away from where they currently live. They just have not been able to sell their home. But then, something miraculous happened last week.

I am thrilled to say my parents have finally sold their house. And they actually have equity! The sale took us completely off guard. It happened so fast. Last Wednesday, an offer was made and accepted on their house. On Friday, they drove to my home for Christmas and informed me that they needed to go house hunting in my city. I immediately found them a realtor, scheduled a meeting for them with a funding company, got them in for pre-approval, and today they found and made an offer on a house only five miles away from my home. (See the picture of their new house.) It’ll be hectic and very difficult for them to move at their age, but within six to ten weeks, they’ll be living here in my city. I’m planning to take time off work next month to go in and help them move, but we’re all so happy that things have finally fallen into place. As my parents get older, having them nearby so I can care for them is truly an answer to our prayers.

How about you? Do you live near your family members? Do you get together often to enjoy one another’s company? I sure hope so.

Wishing you a joyous and prosperous New Year!

Leigh Bale
The Forest Ranger’s Husband – Now available
The Forest Ranger’s Child – Available June 2012

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Leigh Bale Talks About Hotshots!

Hotshot wildfire fighters, that is. A hotshot is an elite wildfire fighter. Structure firefighters are very commonly known…we rely on them to save us if we have a house fire. Smoke jumpers get a lot of press because they leap out of airplanes into forest fires. But man-for-man (or woman), a hotshot is in just as superb physical condition as a smoke jumper. But hotshots work as a team. No one builds fireline faster than a hotshot. They are highly trained, highly skilled at fighting wildfire. In fact, they eat small fires for breakfast. They go where no one else will go, hiking through the most difficult terrain you can imagine in order to face walls of flames.

In my new release out this month titled THE FOREST RANGER’S HUSBAND, the book is jam-packed with intense, page-turning scenes. The hero is a hotshot who almost dies and loses one of the crewmen under his command during a wildfire. His near death experience changes him in ways he doesn’t understand. He suffers from survivor’s guilt and begins to question his priorities. Feeling adrift professionally and spiritually, he seeks to restructure his goals.

This book is the second in my new Forest Ranger series and can be read as a standalone title. Look at the beautiful cover they gave me! They almost got it perfect, except the boots aren't quite right. Wildfire fighters wear White's boots (White's is the maker of the boots), with at least 6-inch lug soles to protect their feet from the super-heated ground and fire. The hero on the cover looks just like I remember my father looking when he would leave to go fight wildfire. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Do you know any firefighters, either for structure fires or forest fires? Maybe yourself, a husband, family member, or friend? They’re an amazing breed of people, aren’t they? Truly an American hero.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Leigh Bale Does Housekeeping

Yes, even an author has to clean house sometimes. We can only ignore the dust bunnies so long before we can't find the dog. :) I'm actually quite a tidy person, but I don't dust frequently enough. Or vacuum. Or sweep. Or mop. The list goes on. You get the drift.

Recently, I've been doing some technology house cleaning, too. I discovered as an author that I shouldn't have a regular Facebook page, but should have a "business page." So I've been researching how to convert that over. Stay tuned. (Frankly, I'd rather be dusting and mopping. I keep reminding myself that technology is supposed to make our lives easier, right? Deep breaths here.)

Did you know I have a website and Facebook page? And in addition to this blog, I belong to another one too at The Craftie Ladies of Romance. Most authors are also voracious readers. Like you, I have my favorite books. I'm even over at Goodreads, where I've started critiquing the books I constantly consume. With THE FOREST RANGER'S HUSBAND, the second book in my Forest Rangers Series, coming out the end of October, I have a book giveaway scheduled at Goodreads. Be sure and enter to win! I've definitely tried to make it easy for you to find my books. So, feel free to check out all of these sites anytime.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...because I'm doing the technology housekeeping, the dust bunnies in my "real" house will just have to wait. Because I'm having a blast writing books for you to read. Enjoy! :)