Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Ranger's Job is Never Done

Leigh Bale here.  Many of you know I’ve written a series of books about forest rangers.  My latest is titled HEALING THE FOREST RANGER and was released last month.  The next book will be available in February 2014.  My father has served as my consultant on these books.  By the time he retired, he was a staff officer and the second highest man on the forest.

Here’s a fun picture of my dad and one of his assistants in Echo Canyon, in the Ruby Mountains, Nevada.  Because of the rugged terrain they must travel in, most forest rangers are also great horsemen.  Dad is pictured here riding a horse named Dino.  A forest ranger’s job is very different from that of a park ranger.  Rangers deal with mining, grazing, timber harvest, fishery issues, wildlife, vegetation, fire fighting, and the list goes on and on.  A ranger's job is never done.

President Teddy Roosevelt took a lot of flak for establishing our national forests back in the early 1900’s, but I’m so glad he did.  We are blessed to now have these national treasures to enjoy.  Do you enjoy camping or visiting our national forests?  What about our national parks?  Where have you visited?

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