Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Travel

This is Merrillee, and I'm going to piggy back on Debby's previous post. It's an American tradition to have a summer vacation, whether you just go to Grandma and Grandpa's house as I did when I was a child or go cross county as I have done this summer. I've made three trips--Tucson, AZ; New York City and Spokane, WA. Each place has something of interest for me. Tucson has my granddaughter.

I was in New York City for RWA, and there are lots of fun sights to see there.

Two of my brothers live in Spokane. Since I live in Florida, you can see why we don't have a chance to visit each other often. I had a high school class reunion this year, so I took the opportunity to visit my brothers and their families and take in the class reunion.

Some former classmates.

My brothers and nephews and niece and Shadow.

In addition, I had to share what I saw in the front yard of a house that we drive by on the way to my brother's neighborhood.

Space creatures and dinosaurs are quite a combination.

Have you taken a summer vacation? Share your adventures with us.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

On vacation

As this blog posts, I will be in Washington D. C. doing a little sight seeing before the RWA national conference gets underway. I've been to Washington once, many years ago and I had the worst chest cold so I didn't see much of the city. Since I'm going with two fellow authors, I think we'll have a great time. Don't you love vacations. I'm frantically cleaning house. My husband is watching me suspiciously. I never clean house. But somehow, before you leave on a trip, you just have to do it. Why is that?
My favorite vacation was a cruise to Alaska that I took several years ago. Once, in an interview, I was asked what was the one place I wanted to see before I died? I said, I've been to Alaska and ridden in a dogsled, so I'm good.
What was your favorite vacation and why?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Traveling Abroad by Marta Perry

Hi, Friends,

By the time you read this post, I'll actually be somewhere over the Atlantic, on the way back from two weeks in Norway. So I'm writing it before I leave, anticipating a delightful time.

My husband and I are going with our daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren to visit with our son-in-law's family in Holmestrand, Norway, for two weeks. We've been there before and simply love it, but it's especially nice to travel with the family. Bjoern, 9, and Greta, 7, are shown here with me on a train trip. They're really old enough to appreciate what they're seeing this time, although they will probably enjoy playing with their five Norwegian cousins more than sightseeing! We been able to get to know them well through our visits back and forth, so it's a real joy to be getting together again.
We'll be doing some traveling around, visiting the family's summer cottage on an island in the fjord. I know from past experience that the hearty Norwegians will all take a dip in the icy fjord water, while we wimpy Americans will sit on a rock and watch!
We're also taking a short side trip to Sweden to visit my husband's second or third cousins. (Or second cousins once removed; I'm never sure how that works.) We haven't seen them since a trip we made twenty years ago, so the kids who were teenagers then are married with families of their own now.
So, thank you for indulging me in reminiscing about a trip I'm leaving on tomorrow! Next time around, I'll have some photos from Norway to share. I hope you have something planned for this summer that brings you joy.
Marta Perry

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Coming up for air!

I'm just coming up for air after a really hectic few months. Where has the summer gone? I didn't even attend the RWA conference, but I still feel as if it has flown by. We're already into canning tomatoes, the grandkids are headed back to school, and there's a hint of fall in the air.
My husband and I had a once-in-a-lifetime trip earlier in the summer. We joined some friends for a tour of the Baltic Sea area, visiting Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Estonia. It was an amazing adventure, and I'm still trying to organize my photos and my memories!
And then all the kids and grandkids were home for their annual summer visit. We had a grand time with them. Since all of our grandchildren live in suburban areas, it's a real treat for them to experience country life.
And then, of course, there's the writing! I've been working hard in between all of that, trying to keep on schedule. I've completed two of the Amish books that will come out next year, as well as the first book in a Love Inspired series about a Coast Guard family in South Carolina. Right now I'm working on the third Amish book and really enjoying being back with those characters again.
So that's it for the topic of all those themes we had to write in grade school: how I spent my summer vacation! I hope your summer was wonderful and refreshing.