Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cures for a Sagging Middle

Kim Watters here. Okay, I’m depressed. You know, that mind numbing depression you face when you stare at that manuscript after you’ve ditched yet another pair of too-tight pants that are now lying in a pile on the floor. Finally I realize that I’ve hit that road bump of midlife, and in a writer’s life, I have a sagging middle.

How did this happen?

For my body, all it took was a few years at a desk job and a healthy appetite for sweets. For my book, all it took was a lack of conflict. Sigh. Okay so it took a bit longer for my body to decide to rebel than my characters, but still. I mean, come on. It didn’t have to happen this way but I have no excuse. No thyroid issues to blame it on. The blood tests came back normal. Nope. Just the daily inactivity of sitting in front of a keyboard and trying to achieve that happily-ever-after without an outline or game plan.

So after I slip on a pair of comfy sweats, I realize I need to take action. Real action. Like starting an exercise routine, or gasp, going on a diet. Fortunately for me, the sagging middle of the manuscript is going to be an easier task to face.

This one won’t require expending an enormous amount of energy or sweating from places I didn’t even know had sweat glands or snubbing that last spoonful of ice cream left in the scooper after I dish out some for the kids. Nope, fixing the manuscript is just going to involve massive amounts of brain energy and some more computer time, which is what got me in trouble in the first place. (We won’t talk about the chocolate, though.)

So if I need a workout, then maybe it’s time to put my characters through the wringer too.

While I’m out for a jog–I really don’t like to run,–I can mentally add a new dimension or depth to my characters and force them to grow and change by throwing another obstacle at them. If I can work hard at my goal, so can they.

While I’m doing stomach crunches, which I hate by the way, I can twist the plot into a different direction that forces my characters to make different choices. For me and my own plot direction with the dreaded diet, that might be whether or not I allow a piece of chocolate or a slice of French Silk Pie into my mouth or a stick of celery.

Or I can tape a picture of that skinny pair of pants to the front of the refrigerator, which would serve as a constant reminder of my goal and strengthen the conflict within just as I can strengthen the conflict between my characters by revisiting their goals and motivations.

I’m determined to get rid of both my sagging middles. So what’s stopping me? Nothing.

Watch out. That woman sprinting down the street with a picture dangling in front of her while she’s doing stomach crunches to boot is about to kill someone. Fortunately it’s only in her mind.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What A Difference A Year Makes!

First, let me just say what a pleasure it is to be here among authors I’ve read and admired for years.

I’m still pinching myself, amazed to have my first book ON THE SHELVES NOW!!!!! Yes, Winter’s End, which I’m delighted to say got a 4 ½ Star rating from Romantic Times, is available online and wherever Harlequin romances are sold. Oh my stars, how cool is that????

And I’m celebrating the joy of two more books scheduled for release this year.

This past week I was chatting with The Seekers (a sisterhood of authors) about what a difference a year makes. Last year at this time we were mourning the loss of a grandchild, a tiny fellow named Joseph who made it to five months in-utero, then died for unexplained reasons. Our hearts were broken for our daughter, her husband, and the families involved. Since we’re no strangers to miscarriages, you’d have thought we’d handle it better, but something about that added 6-8 weeks, of thinking we were home free, weighed us down. But God was with us throughout all of it, strengthening us, helping us, easing us beyond guilt and pain. A rough road that many have traveled and our hearts go out to each and every one.

And now this year…

I got “The Call” in June and have been on a whirlwind ride of amazement ever since. Now published and multi-contracted, I’m thrilled to be a part of the growing Steeple Hill family, delighted to work with Melissa Endlich and the whole SH team AND…

Super delighted that my daughter and her husband have a baby due in a few weeks time, that all is calm, all is bright…

Somewhere in heaven is a sweet baby boy named Joseph, a tiny fellow with big round eyes and soft, sweet skin. He’s laughing down at us, waiting for us to welcome his little brother or sister with open arms. And maybe, just maybe, his great-grandma is rocking him, holding him close, spinning silly tall tales about being a wee Irish laddie amongst the clouds.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all.


Olympics Sleep Deprivation :)

Missy Tippens, here. Okay, let's see a show of hands... How many of you have dark circles under your eyes because you've been staying up late to watch the Olympic Games?
My hand is held up high. I've been making a point to get all my work done each day so that I can reserve the nights for watching the games. And boy, what fun and excitement! And yes, even tears. Who didn't cry last night after Joannie Rochette of Canada finished her figure skating event? Her mom died of an apparent heart attack on Sunday, and Joannie knew her mom would want her to pursue her dream, to go ahead and compete. So she went out and did the performance of her life. And then she wept. Oh my goodness, I was sobbing along with her! Such a heart wrenching, moving story. One of many for these games.
I'm always inspired by the Olympics and the athletes. What about you? Have any stories of victory or defeat or personal triumph particularly touched you?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Backlists and Ebooks...

I just love it when I hear from readers. Truly. Every time I get an email I'm all giddy that someone has read one of my books.

Since my next release is Her Only Protector, I've been thrilled to hear from the bookclub readers who've already read the book and couldn't wait to email me to tell me how they liked it. I'm also surprised at how many people are still picking up a copy of Cradle of Secrets and writing me to tell me they enjoyed the book. They're always thrilled to know they won't have to wait long for the sequel. Just a few weeks and Her Only Protector will be hitting the bookstore shelves.

Which brings me to the backlists and ebooks subject line of my post. As many readers know, Steeple Hill books are available in paperback for just one month on the bookstore shelves. If you happen to find a great author or a series you love mid-way through the series, it's hard to go back and find those first books unless you can get them at a used bookstore. But not anymore.

All Steeple Hill books are available on EBOOK! So it doesn't matter if you miss a couple of books from a great author. You can always go back and purchase an ebook to download to either the Kindle or some other software platform. These ebooks can be read on your computer, a PDA or ebook reader.

I have to be honest with you. I love the feel of a paperback book in my hands, love to turn the pages and look at the cover. But I also love the idea of being able to load a ton of books on one device and store it there. I have a friend who just emailed me to tell me she won a Kindle in a contest. I must admit that I'm green with envy. But alas I can't justify purchasing another device to read ebooks since I already have one. I still have my old Rocket Ebook Reader that I purchased 10 years ago! While not as light and easy to use as the Kindle and certain not able to hold as many books, the Rocket is a great little device to load 8-10 books on as well as my own manuscripts for editing and final read throughs.

My point (and yes, I do have one) is that I love that technology has given us choices. I no longer have to hunt down a book I missed when it was on the shelf. I can buy an ebook from a new favorite author. And I no longer have to choose which books to bring with me on a trip because I can't fit them all in my suitcase on one device. I can bring enough books to last me an entire vacation! (I love reading while I'm camping. And the Rocket is great for night reading since I don't have to hold a flashlight and a book at the same time!)

I'd love to know your thoughts on ebooks and ebook devices. And if you're one of the lucky readers who has a Kindle, let me know what you think. I have a feeling, despite the fact that I still love my Rocket, that the Kindle may go on my Christmas List.

Until next time, many blessings! Lisa Mondello

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