Showing posts with label Speaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speaking. Show all posts

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Opening New Doors

Hi from Gail Gaymer Martin at

Authors have many opportunities to step through new doors that open as their career grows. Naturally, I love writing and am enjoying my new series, Dreams Come True. But writing isn't the only thing that keeps some writers busy.

Coming from a teaching and counseling background (I still maintain my counseling license), I have stepped through two new doors as an author. The picture above was taken in Dallas two weeks ago when I was on staff of American Christian Writers. On Friday I taught four continuing classes on Writing Christian Fiction. I had appointments with writers and delivered the banquet keynote address. On Saturday, I presented two other workshops, kept more appointments with authors, and delivered the plenary address before serving on the staff panel for the end of conference.

I enjoy presenting new ideas and techniques to budding writers and even experienced one. Learning never stops, and we all benefit from hearing about new ways to approach our novels.

But another door that I love is presenting keynote addresses at churches and ladies events. Last weekend I spoke in Washington, Michigan to a wonderful group of women for their annual breakfast retreat. My address was two fold: a humorous look at a writer's journey followed by the more serious topic, Spring Cleaning Your Heart and Mind, appropriate for the season.
During this event, I had a book table where I giveaway prayer pads, calendars, pens, and a copy of one of my children's short stories with a lesson that reflected the message in my talk along with other giveaways. I also offer my books for purchase and autographing. These wonderful ladies nearly wiped out my display of books. What a blessing to have time to talk to these woman who love to read.
Before I say goodbye for now, don't forget to look for Bride in Training in stores in mid-June and available to direct maill readers much sooner. It's the final story in the Man's Best Friend Series. If you love dogs and romance, you'll enjoy this book.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Taking The Challenge

I’m Victoria Bylin, and I write westerns for Love Inspired Historicals. I’m not the least bit shy when talking to people one-on-one or in small groups, but put me in front of a microphone and I lose my bearings. Considering how God often works in my life, it’s not surprising I ended up in that situation a few weeks ago.

Halfway into a Bible study I recently took, the leader challenged us to name something we couldn’t imagine ourselves doing. I wrote down, “Public Speaking.” The next day I received an email asking me if I’d like to speak to a writers group in Northern Virignia. I felt as if God had heard my reluctance and decided it was time for a quick cure.

As things turned out, I agreed to do a short program on historical research for NVCA, the Northern Virginia Christian Writers. It’s a small but active group of authors in various places on the road to publication. I was nervous when I first arrived, but the leader, Johnese Burtram, immediately put me at ease. When she introduced me, she told the group I was on my “maiden voyage” as a speaker. People smiled, and I knew I was among friends.

I don’t think my presentation will make the history books for anyone except me, but I hope people came away with a nugget or two, something new for a writer’s tool box. I know I did . . . I learned that I actually like to speak to groups. I also learned not to tell God what I don’t want to do! With this foray into public speaking, he gave he a chance to grow. I’m glad I took it and look forward to growing even more as both a Christian and an author.

For more about that journey, visit