Showing posts with label Secrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secrets. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2012

Famous Secrets

Often in our LI romances, there are secrets. We readers love secret babies and such. Recently, for my church's Secret Sisters revealing party, I came up with the following questions. Go ahead, answer without Googling. See what you know.

Famous Secrets

1. Who is Spiderman?

2. This man kept his beautiful wife’s identity a secret from Pharoah.

3. This man wrote under the name of Mark Twain

4. This animal knows the secret ingredient in Bush’s Baked Beans

5. Ralphie, in The Christmas Story, received this in the mail and it helped him read a promotional message from Ovaltine.

6. Who was the secret that Miep Gies hid in an Attic?

7. Which president kept it at secret that he was unable to walk?

I have many secrets. My name isn't really Pamela Tracy.

Oh, and I'm not 29, no matter how many times I say I am.

BTW, I have a Guess the Secret Sister's Game over at the Craftie Ladies of Romance. Go on over there and try that one, too.

My next release Once Upon a Christmas, a December LI, has many secrets. You'll have to read it to find out about them.