Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Allie Pleiter on birthdays
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Graduation Season
My husband and I recently journeyed to Northern California to celebrate the high school graduation of our oldest granddaughter Rachel and her cousin Josh. What an important milestone for those two young people and their 140 classmates. And Rachel, like me years ago, was really ready to move on to a new phase of her life.
During the ceremony I was struck by how many ‘graduations’ or ‘milestones’ the young people in the class of 2011 will experience in their lifetimes.
Hopefully, college graduation will be the next biggie. Then comes the first job out of school (and hopes for an economy that is thriving with opportunities).
Milestones to be celebrated keep on coming in both personal and professional lives – the first promotion and moving up the career ladder, engagement, wedding, the extraordinary birth of the first child (and all the subsequent children).
There seems to be no end to the days we mark as special in our memories: the first apartment, the first house, the first grandchild.
(For an author, the sale of the first book is a GIGANTIC milestone!)
Each of these steps involve a NEW BEGINNING, and maybe that’s what we ought to call them instead of a graduation or even a milestone.
So my heartfelt congratulations to Rachel and Josh for their high school graduation and my sincere wish that they will experience many exciting and wonderful NEW BEGINNINGS in the years to come.
Love, Grandma Char.....
What New Beginning do you remember most clearly? What New Beginning are you looking forward to in the near future?
Big Sky Reunion, available now -
Big Sky Family, 11/2011 -
New Beginnings, Guideposts Books, 12/2011 -