Showing posts with label Janette Oke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Janette Oke. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where Writers Go

Hey all!

Ever wonder where writers go to network and to learn and to catch up on industry stuff? Not to mention plot mayhem with other strange-minded writer friends? LOL!

I recently returned from the annual American Christian Fiction Writers' conference where I had the privilege of meeting Christian Fiction pioneer, Janette Oke (pictured above). During the presentation of a Lifetime Achievement Award by Carol Johnson, after whom ACFW's Carol Award was this year named, Janette exuded profound gratitude.

I am thankful for her obedience. I wonder, as she looked around the room, could she have imagined 40 years ago that her obedience to God in pressing on toward publication despite obstacles would have opened so many doors for the rest of us?

Have you seen Love Comes Softly, the movie based from her book? Janette joked onstage that it had been previously titled Love Sometimes Comes Softly. That made me laugh.

I felt amazed to just be in the same room with her and the other amazing authors. Every time I attend a conference I'm awed beyond belief at how, without fail, the more experienced writers encourage, mentor, prod and inspire those of us still relatively new on the scene.

I hope you enjoy these conference photos.

Here's my critique buddies, LIS Author Camy Tang and eHarlequin Board Hosty Dream. We are doing what we love best: hanging out, praying first, eating second, then plotting major mayhem during a delicious dinner and probably freaking out the wait staff at St Elmos in Indianapolis. LOL!

This is me and Dream in our five dollar dresses. Are we bargain divas or what?! LOL.

This is me with my author mentor, LI author Margaret Daley. She is an amazing friend with an enormous mentoring heart. I love her to pieces. She encourages and inspires me in so many ways.

I would love to hear which Christian Fiction Author most inspires you and why. Don't be shy! Have a blessed day and comment away!


Cheryl Wyatt