Showing posts with label Indianapolis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indianapolis. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Catching Up From ACFW conference in Indy

Good Morning, Jenna Mindel here, a little bleary eyed from yesterday's travel home from the American Christian Fiction Writer's Conference in Indianapolis.

Indy from White River Park

What a great time I had too! This was my first experience attending ACFW and I noticed the warmth and desire to honor God with our writing above all else. Pretty cool.

It's really important to fellowship with like minded people; for encouragement, learning, whatever. I think of the saying "no man is an island". And boy, it's so true. None of us live in a void. We all touch each other. We impact people's lives. And stories touch people as well. As an author, I'm reminded of that responsibilty and it's one I pray for direction. I pray I get it right.

In what ways have you been touched by a book?