I was impressed with Merrillee’s remodel of her bathroom, and thought I’d share what my husband and I did over Spring Break. I finally convinced him to redo our closet. Well---the way I did it was went out to the Container Store and bought things to remodel it. My husband didn’t want to get rid of the shelves on the wall between the two sides of our closet, but once we knocked out the two hanging rods and shelves above, he said, maybe we should do the entire closet. I didn’t hesitate and immediately went out and finished buying the things we needed to redo the entire closet.
Well, he didn’t think we needed to repaint the walls in the closet. It had not been repainted since we moved into the house 30 years ago. I told him once in 30 years was not overdoing it. (You know how husbands are. If I had put a dent in the car, it would’ve been an entirely different reaction.) We repainted. As you can see, we installed the new shelves and hanging rods. It is a pleasure to walk into that closet. I have a smile on my face each time I walk into it. And I have to give my husband a gold star. He does excellent work.